
This build is not for me, I made it for YOU. Everyone on the Earth is the same, we are all equal, born free.

Due to recent world events I notice some people have left the comment "communism" That is not what this project it about. You are free to say what you like and leave if you wish. Free will is the law of the universe 👍🏻


He works so hard and spends so much money just to entertain us


Man this guy is the most selfless youtube ever.


He spends so much money and time just for a 7 minute video that entertains us… I remember watching him when I was 6 and forgot about him until now… he does work so hard…


YouTube didn't send play button.
Fine, I'll do it myself.


This guy don't need any silver, golden, diamond, custom play button because he can make it by himself.


When youtube doesnt gives play button , this bro makes his own😉


YouTube: sorry you can't have a diamond play yet.

Him: Fine, i'll do it by myself


This guy is a legend! He doesn’t even include the ads!

Edit: 1k in three days? how....


Guys can we just appreciate this guy to make this


YouTube: we need to hire this guy for making play buttons


5:29 i like how you cut the music just so we can hear the diamond pop in❤


This broke the world record for the most satisfying video 100%.                                edit: thanks for all the likes I really appreciate it


Plot twist: He is actually the one who makes play buttons for YouTube


I feel incredibly stupid for expecting the whole thing to be made of diamond...


Did you know the play buttons are actually just wood covered in a coating this guy made a legit diamond play button respect


Everybody gangsta until this man casting ruby play button with real ruby


This guy may be the most wholesome youtuber on the internet. You've inspired me to chase things like this, and tomorrow I'm melting my first steel stamp. Thank you.


Did he really just make is own diamond playbutton this dude is a legend


Shout out to this guy even in 2025 people are watching this legend