
idc who you are. you all deserve to be loved. i pray we all find joy and peace.


I spell that even if it’s just 1 person that notices this, that they have an amazing ray and an even greater future!


It is not a coincidence that you are here. This is your destiny. You are here because you are ready for your higher calling and life purpose. You are never alone, your angels, archangels and spirit guides are always with you. You are loved, blessings and light!


I don’t want much in life—just for the person reading this to be healthy, happy, and loved. Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend


to the person reading this, you got this. just do it, life’s short.


777 : If you are reading this you are in perfect alignment and ready to receive 🙏🏼 ❤️


If the world was like this comment section, oh my I can't even imagine how much better it would be


if you are reading this, take a deep breath. Inhale deeply, exhale deeply. Close your eyes and visualise yourself finishing your work, getting the grades you desire, getting to summer and not being worried, visualise what you want, visualise relaxation and hope. It will be okay, you will pass, you have been putting work in, the fact that you chose to listen to this shows you care enough to take the first step to concentrate. You can do it. Say "I can do it." Don't be so hard on yourself, we all hustle, and we all want to be successful, but only those who work hard will get there. It is up to you to see in what end you will be, it is all up to you, and it will always be your choice.


I don't know who needs to hear this, but everything is going to be fine. Release all negative thoughts and relax


i don't chase, i attract. what belongs to me will simply find me. CLAIMING THIS POSITIVE ENERGY🌱✨


I don't know if anyone will ever read this comment, but I'll write it anyway, more to myself I guess. 

You can be happy anywhere you are, you don't need anyone's approval, you are enough, you are strong, other people can be part of your journey, but they can't and never will be destination. Never put your happiness in another person's hands, it doesn't work like that, it's more like a state of mind, but you get to make it, not anyone but you. You can be happy in a small cottage, you can be happy in a big city, as long as you are a friend to yourself. You're loved and worthy, don't allow others to make you believe otherwise. Only you know yourself well, they see just a picture of you their mind made. But it's not you. Not exalty. You're capable of anything your mind can think of. If it's there - you know it's possible. You're the centre of YOUR universe, you can do anything you want. And yes, you're strong enough to achieve it. You just are. Even if you're scared or insecure, trust me, and trust yourself. You are capable. You set your own goals. Remember: the point is to be happy. You can never dream too big or too small. Your goal is to be happy, so go, do whatever it takes to achieve it! I believe in you and I love you. You know it's true. And you know damn well, you feel the same way. You believe in yourself and you love yourself! You just know it, and you feel it as well, it may be overwhelming at some point but just think about it. If I believe in you, and you believe in yourself, you are unstoppable and invincible. You just are. You don't have to believe it. But you're amazing and strong. Go! Do you! But please, always remember that you are enough and capable! No matter what 

Stay safe and happy 

Also remember that every day you go through, you win one battle, one at a time, but you do it. Cause you're strong, so so strong. And I am fucking proud of you ❤️                                                                                                                                                                  EDIT: Feel free to use my words as your own. Share this message with whoever might need it. It came from the bottom of my soul and I'd be honoured to know that you, beautiful souls, are spreading love through my words. Also I'd like to add that every single like or response makes my heart glow, some of you even made me cry. It's amazing how we've all created a safe place made of love and light in a little silly comment on YouTube. Thank you all for being yourselves and not giving up on our gift. Just reading this proves that you, yes you, are the being made of pure love. I wish you all to stay in this state forever. I love you all.


I love YOU that is reading this. We are all connected and loved by many. Just know, YOU are perfect the way you are.💚


This is the nicest comment section I’ve ever came across... I’ve felt so alone recently and in the darkest place I’ve ever felt. If you’re reading this, you’re worthy of being here, the world needs you, you make it a better place 💖💖


I have this routine. I turn this on every morning, I light and inscense and I read the comments...The energy you pour into these does not ever go unnoticed...I appreciate everything you kind stranger souls have given me. I appercaite everything again.


i was mediating to this and talked to my higher self. my higher self was a bright light. my higher self told me to have hope and patience. my higher self was so calm and sure. it was an amazing experience.


If you are reading this, I pray everything will fall in place for you. Happiness, love, prosperity, abundance,  peace, joy, everything about you would shine and you will prosper in many ways possible The Holy Spirit adores you keep up the good work and continue to walk with faith and everything would fall into place I promise ❤


remember, you are NOT you're thoughts , YOU have control over YOUR mind and can easily push away the negative thoughts with a little bit of courage and charisma !


I’m at such a low place in my life. Seeing all these comments makes me so happy. Thank you


11:11, manifest... I ask that anyone who reads this finds peace and light...


If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I am sending my love to the universe so that I can reach you.❤❤❤❤❤