Awesome. I once saw a case of Atrial Fibrillation improved with antibiotics. The attending doc tought it was chronic, but the patient revealed that he had been treated for Lyme's. A quick call to the neurologist that had originally diagnosed him to confirm, and he was in a IV Rocephin followed by Amoxil. The A-Fib vanished. I wonder how many cases of infectious endocarditis get misdiagnosed regularly as other, such as the usual suspects of alcohol, genetics, HTN, sleep apnea, obesity, etc. BTW, the patient seemed obese, but he had perfect BP; upon questioning, we found out he was a wrestler and kept a heavy training regime. Visceral fat vs peripheral DOES make a difference. We learned NOT to asume things.
Fascinating case. What I love about it is that molecular tests were needed. At some point simply reading general signs and symptoms is not enough. That means molecular diagnostics must be included in the day-by-day practice of diagnosis. Even in apparently easy cases.
This info is revolutionary for food scientists. We always consider Listeria being a problem for YOPI (Young, Old (>65 years old), Pregnant and Immune compromised). We always consider Listeria is a self limiting disease causing some gastrointestinal discomfort in general population. Whereas, it causes meningitis in YOPI and may cause abortions in pregnant women. The guy in the story is only 55. I am totally worried about this incidence. Should we worry more about Listeria?
I ate cheese 5 minutes before my cardiac arrest and that one minute saved me
Apart from unpasteurised dairy / cheese, it should be recognised that one of the commonest sources of Listeria these days are factory-packed sandwiches and the cold meats and salads within. Salad leaves are often implicatedā¦and E.Coli can be another risk.
very very interesting we live in France and thankfully these days they do not serve much fresh cheese but there still is some around so good to know this can happen merci DR> Mike
Hello from San Antonio, Texas!! It HOT over here weather wise. Thanks for your videos, they are so helpful..
The ad I got before the video was for Borden cheese slices. Way too soon YT š¢
And thus disdain for fermented foods continues, often missing the point that pasteurization is key. Without fermented foods, vitamin K2 remains limited.
Listeria is in the news with deli meat right now. How would anybody know they are affected? Tired, headache, they go to bed. Not the hospital. What do you check for?
As a young man in the 80's, in Thailand me and a friend went to a by Lonely Planet recommended restaurant in Chang Mai the night before he left to go elsewhere in Asia. My plan was to stay a few days and go home. For some reason we chose a vegetarian dish, maybe we didn't trust the meat? I can't recall. Anyway, what happened was that I got a fever that lasted for about 48 hours, where during that time I locked myself into a shower room at our hostel. A rather big room ment for several people/men, but this was out of season so there where hardly any other people there. I Lying on the floor there for around 12 hour with some water from the shower cooling me of and with a small spider as the only company. I slept most of the time and whenever I woke up The spider had moved, but one of the times when the room was spinning the spider looked huge as a cat. Maybe this was a dream or fever hallucination? I havn't watched any of your videos since the Corona, but thanks for what you did then, I think you are a great guy.
I once had the bright idea to eat 24hr old rice with veggies, that had been left out in the hot kitchen (summertime). I was very hungry, tasted it, bit sour... dumped some pepper and spices on it and ate.... that was a bad afternoon!! I crawled outside, puking my guts out for hours, wishing i was dead to be done with it. Maybe i should have gone to the hospital, didn't even cross my mind... hours later i was better.
Thanks for the warning.
In a study involving over 40 countries, cheese was found to be one of the foods most associated with longevity.
thank you for the education
I live in Vancouver BC, salmon is a common BBQ meat. For a while it was popular to BBQ it on cedar planks. I had some at a BBQ and thought it was great until I started to get sick. I could not stop vomiting even after I had nothing to bring up, dry heaves are the worst. After that any cedar plank BBQed salmon caused me to gag. Thankfully it was not the salmon but the cedar that affected me. I know it was the cedar, because if I get a sliver from cedar while working with it, I get swelling and fluids from the location with in minutes of getting the sliver.
Fascinating case - thanks for making this video! I'm glad the patient is OK. Listeria seems to be really, really bad for humans.
yes, been there with 'other people's' meals. I cook my own meals as a well trained chef and rather eat simple Mediterranean style cuisine that my ancestors grew up on. No doubt much of the current issues are directly related to 'what one eats', nourishment is my primary focus. Brilliant video, very well presented.
Hi Dr. Hansen good see you pal been while since see you hope all is ok great video