
A friend a work started having behavioral issues and over 3 months they became worse. He was even getting violent on occassion. This was very noticeable because her was always a role model employee. He got tested and they found a brain tumor which they removed but he had to retire after because he could no longer do his job...SAD..The University offered him a quiet modified desk job at his full trade wages but he declined. I miss Chad! He was a really decent guy and a awesome plumber but didnt deseve this!


What is the disadvantages of tumour


How to find the size of tumor


I need help. I know this video is really old but if anyone is reading I'm not sure if I have a brain tumor. I'm 13 and my dream is to be a ufc fighter and I wont and dont want to let that stop me. Everytime i shake my head back and forth the inside of my head-brain hurts,,,, only when I shake it tho . It's not a headache bc it's only when I shake at and it's near the back of my head. Plz help me out if possible.  This has been going on for 2 weeks


Negative for malignant cells is this all tumors in brain


What is tumour


Can anyone tell me if you start to hallucinate when you have a brain tumor


This way, first of all, to write that I am 19 years old, and I am very panicky by nature, it is probably in my genes because my mother is like that, but I think it is smart that when I see any health problem I should go to the doctor
Namely, while I was in elementary school, somewhere in the middle or at the end of the 7th grade, I can't remember exactly when, but something like that, I was sitting on a bench and listening to classes and I mechanically looked out the window and looked at the sky, at that moment I saw some changes in the form of something like some hairs, ie in the professional name when I googled I found that they are floaters, there are some more spots when I look at the white surface, ie when I stare or when I look at the sky, snow and so on, although I I'm used to it and I don't attach importance to it and they get lost, ie I don't register them and if they are still present, also when I look at the sky I see it like when the picture on the TV breaks and is gray and those music only of course without that gray color, it didn't get worse and if 4 years have passed since then everything has remained the same the vision hasn't gotten worse but the floaters are still there, I would also mention that as a kid I should have worn glasses because one eye was walking, I was wearing something short and then I left them and so I think maybe that's why I have those floaters
Now I'm going back to primary school when I was in the 8th grade, I started having headaches, tingling all over my body, my balance wasn't quite right, my hands were cold, there were constant pains then, I went to the doctor and they gave me instructions to work. The EEG of the head result was great, there were no changes, but I still had some panic in me because all these symptoms indicated a tumor and I was very scared, there were neck pains and so on. It's been about 4-5 years and I've felt great during all that time, maybe sometimes my hands are cold or my palms are sweating, apart from that I have no other health problems, the only thing is that I've had a little cold in the last few days and when in the evening I go out on the terrace to light a cigar and when I look at the sky without holding on to something like a little flirting but not too much, or when I walk in the house in the dark like I'm losing my balance but nothing terrible, it happens when It's really dark and when the light goes out, my balance is great, now the only thing that happens to me is that sometimes my head hurts, and sometimes I have tingling in my body but not very often, or the area around my neck hurts, then I drink that speedifen and my pain passes after 15 minutes but it is not a terrible pain and it rarely happens that my head hurts only now but I think it is because I have a cold. I felt the need to write this because it suddenly occurred to me I don’t even know why, given that it’s been a long time like I’ve already said about 5 years ago, but I just felt the need to share it with you. I have to mention once again that I feel good, I go out with friends, I go to work, I finished school, I also deal with computers, otherwise I don't spend a lot of time on the phone, maybe I go in to see something on Instagram, from time to time. I look at a series and that's it. By the way, I don't have a headache as often as before, maybe sometimes, but rarely only now in the last few days because I have a cold, my nose is leaking, and from time to time these tingles in my body, I confess but not something excessive. Another very important thing to mention happens to me while drinking coffee my hands are shaking, or my head is shaking, but I am a terribly big panicker. And yes, just to mention, I apologize to everyone if I repeated some sentences and wrote more times because I was a little hasty when I was writing, so don’t mind
I'm very scared, do you think I have a tumor