
May God bless you all who's ever reading this ❤️🙏


Have a awsome day bryton we all love you😍😍🥰☺☺😊💙💙


awesome video and still lookingout for the slip and slide food challenge video summers about over with


I've been waitibg for you to do this and you finally did! Have a good day! 😊


Bryton I can never miss your videos because they are the best of the best videos


Are we all ignoring Rosanna Pansino's music video at 0:49?? And Bryton, I also think Miranda Sings should have been included in this video as well.


You are the best person ever on YouTube I support you bryton have a awesome summer with your family


Nice video Bryton! Always watching your vids here in philippines❤


This first one with Justin Bieber is just confusing. You guys point out the craziest videos. You guys are awesome.


Bryton keep up the good work you really inspire me to do good things keep up the good content and stay awesome 👍


tysm bryton for everything, your so amazing


Bryton's getting old. I have been following ninja kidz since the power ranger days and i have grown up with them. Time really flies by. I cant believe it has been 5 years. I didnt use to like bryton but now i love him. His destroying back yard video feels like yesterday. Thank you for everything.❤❤


Hi Bryton!!! I'm a big fan:) Love that you are so talented!!! Keep up the awesome content <3


Yay you made a video I love any type of video on YouTube


6:42 this is from a Czech YouTube video, the channel was the most popular in the Czech Republic at the time and they recorded a song in English for viewership


99.9 comments be like: “can we appreciate how much effort he puts in these video”


Let’s appreciate how much effort he puts into these videos thank you so much Bryton


yeah Tatum the cuber is right Bryton had suffered to find these video for us to watch.Thanks Bryton


I love your videos Bryton


desposito is such a good song! how dare they put it with so many dislikes👿😠