It’s the “I only know these chords on guitar” progression
As a guitarist, I'm gonna blame this on standard tuning.
I can't believe you didn't end this video with ""Anyway, here's wonderwall".
Another interesting thing to note about this progression (and its relative the Axis progression) is that it can very easily be played using the basic open chords on a guitar in standard tuning. For a rock-oriented beginning guitarist, E/Em, A/Am, G, D, and C are probably the very first chords they learn. This means that songs using the plagal cascade and the Axis progression are both easy to learn and easy to write with minimal experience. They also translate well to another popular and easy rock technique, power chords. When you combine this ease of access with their suitability for rock/pop styles, it's no surprise that they're among the most popular of chord progressions.
Imagine his sheet music doodles were the only evidence of human existence
"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagal the Cascade?"
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about this chord progression
I saw "somebody" coming from a mile away and your execution of that part still landed perfectly. Kudos!
If you're looking for an actual minor, early, "looping" example of this chord progression, check out Serge Gainsbourg's "Bonnie and Clyde" from 1968 ! It's a song that I always thought sounded remarkably modern, and the chords are definitely part of that.
For those who know the four chords of pop from Axis of Awesome (or just like mashups), their keyboardist has a video mashing up songs that use this progression. It's on his channel BennyTheJukebox and is called Another Four Chords.
This is my “lets see if I’m in tune” progression and I had no clue it was actually used in songs.
2:19 “…but it’s not completely final*…” *draws Cloud’s sword what a sneaky and random final fantasy reference lol
I've just always thought of this chord progression as being Dorian. Or at least that's how I've come about playing it on my own.
This is one of the best 12 tones. I love that progression, although I’ve just thought of it as Dorian. It’s a great progression for jam songs. Everyone just seems to click when you chose a song with that progression.
"After all, I'm only human..." *draws an elephant*
I feel like we should call it the Allied progression
First song that popped I into my head when I saw this progression was Boulevard of broken dreams
You need to know that I’ve been searching for the title of “Pictures of Matchstick Men” for YEARS. Thank you!!
i love the name "plagal cascade" but i can't stop thinking about half-life "I never thought I'd see a plagal cascade, let alone create one..."