I mostly just drove around and enjoyed to atmosphere and cars. They genuinely managed to make a racing that makes you not want to race because of the handling


The map is not exactly "muy perfecto" because you can't go to the downtown area of Ventura Bay.


Physics were ridiculous, IMO but the game in itself is beautiful


If the physics were realistic, this game couldve been the best ever made. 
I could literally make a whole essay about how good this game was, how immersive it was, and how iconic having all the automotive iconics in the game was.


Yes today I was just playing and I rage


2023 playing the game, I actually don't think the physics are bad at all, only thing that ruins the driving is the drift swerve glitch.


That’s why there is tuning


Does this game have multiplayer achievements?


the grafik is for 2015 insane


the game needed a good tutorial for the physics. The physics are actually perfect.


I mean, fair. But playing this game and complaining about the physics is like playing CoD and complaining about the realism. We arent here for either😂


You just had to know how to tune your ride. Travis tried to tell ya lol


Idk about yall but i have complete control over my build in nfs


The physics are weird


do we care about the physics? no


there is only underground 2 or hot pursuit or most wanted these parts are much better & if you want a really good game where you can race at night and tune without end then buy midnightclub, it is the BEST racing game


ngl i think the physics are a learning curve, 1 its a game and if you expect the same as reality you're insane, 2 its from 2015 aswell yeah there's games with good simulated physics but i think thats down to game devs knowledge on how games "have" to work compared to how it would really work in reality im not discussing anymore its a game ffs go outside and drive


NFS 2015 have best psychic  from next gen ps4 for me today is best nfs from new nfs  with real drifts -main game setings is for controllers ps4 and xbox  controller .... Terrible psychic is in all criterion nfs from ps3 to end ps3 nfs rivala have new psychic  begin for nfs 2015  , terrible drift are in payback heat .... New undbond is for me first good nfs normal from criterion 👍 all old nfs criterion are trash to hell


Physics and always online were and still are the two main issues I have with 2015. If I could play single player offline and the handling better resembled say heat or unbound. I think 2015 would easily be top 5 need for speed games for me, no exaggeration.