I can't wait for this movie because Im a huge Epic The Musical fan.
Hollywood needs old-school titans like Nolan more than ever
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves"🌊🔱
If Nolan's The Odyssey succeeds, I would LOVE to see what he would do with The Illiad.
It's also worth noting that he's now SIR Christopher Nolan since he and his wife were recently knighted by King Charles.
Honestly, I loved the Odyssey when I read it in school, but it got cut during the pandemic. When I heard snippets of Epic the Musical, I got back into the story and now hearing that Nolan is gonna make a movie, I'm more than excited to watch this movie develop into a good action story.
I'm Greek and I'm very excited about this, it'll probably turn out as the best screen adaptation of the timeless epic poem ever, too bad he didn't tackle The Iliad first..
The Odyssey is history’s first sequel. Makes you wonder if Nolan is gonna make an Illiad prequel afterwards 🤣
I remember reading The Odyssey in high school English class too
It’s an odd coincidence that the online sensation Epic: The Musical (which is a musical adaptation of the Odyssey) just had its final saga come out, and now Christopher Nolan announces a film adaptation of The Odyssey.
My fav director with some of the greatest modern actors of our time with one of the single greatest pieces of literature of all tim ... JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!
I personally am mainly interested in how he's going to visualize the scylla (giant dragon thing) since he's known for practical effects.
This looks 🔥 🔥🔥
This is going to be the next Avengers Endgame-esq level theatrical event. Anyone my age and older knows how fantastical and amazing The Odyssey is as a story. You really can attribute a lot of your modern fantasy/sci-fi/adventure movies to being inspired AT LEAST a little bit by The Odyssey. It's THE classic tale. To get a modern interpretation of it, with Christopher Nolan helming it, with a big budget behind it??? Younger people aren't hyped enough about this and honestly I'm happy about that, I can't wait to see reactions and reviews to this film.
I love reading the book The Odyssey.
“My name is Nobody”
Highest hopes!!! Excited for this!!! Me too. Me too bro!
Might be the only Christopher Nolan movie I’ll have watched in the last ten years.
Dude I just read the Odyssey this semester!