
Ok, one: why did I not put entropy on here?
Two: if this came out now there'd probably be a lot more Vylet songs on the list


I feel like no other fandom I've been in has had the amount of fansongs mlp has had


I will never be able to listen to mando's songs the same after what he pulled, some completely disgusting stuff if you ask me, its a shame that such a good artist had to go that route


yesss i'm so glad lesbian ponies with weapons is on here!!!! it's one of my all time favorite songs. such a banger


I love how you played Senpai, arguably the most cheerful song in FNF, over the MV for Rainbow Factory, a very violent and gruesome music video. XD


Was really hoping to see either Lullaby for a princess or The moon rises as Number one! Glad they got the 1 and two spots! Though one I should mention that didn't make it on the list is Moonrise by the L train, its basically a 25 minute symphonic metal symphony about the fall of Nightmare Moon, Definitly a favorite of mine!


I've had allot of people wonder why one of my favorite villain songs of all time is "Empire" from Monster High, this is the reason. The lyrics sound like something some sort of pop/rap artist would actually say (how good they look, how much money they have, how much more they will gain ect) but because it's stated by the villains it puts the fact that these songs are vain, petty, borderline-greedy and shallow as hell at the forefront (which is also great since that's exactly how the villains act and are). The instrumental is also a perfect balance of both epic and intimidating while still sounding like something from one of those types of songs. 
TLDR; It sounds like a perfectly normal, super common/tropey pop/rap song some celebrity would make, but is still a perfect fit for the villains and context


Holy shit- it’s been 7 years and I never knew TLT’s Discord wasn’t the original 🤭


Awoken is one of my favorites of all time. Such an iconic sound of my childhood


Loved looking back at all these songs! Just reminds me how good Jenny's singing voice is with Friendship is Witchcraft.


Personally, I like Lullaby for a Princess more than The Moon Rises. But that’s mostly because Lullaby for a Princess is one of those rare songs that’s actually moved me to literal tears (silly, I know). There’s just something about it for me. I think it’s the nostalgia paired with the singing paired with the subject. Many a time have I randomly interjected a conversation by saying that Lullaby for a Princess is one of the best fan songs ever made.


And Ponyphonic takes the top two spots... as is right and proper🙂. Great list, brother 🦄


I'm so glad Everything Glimmer is on this list cause I've been listening to it on repeat for weeks now


actively begging you to listen to more cats millionaire. her "i'm so sorry" EP is a really great exploration of luna's psyche from her time on the moon to her return to equestria (and rainbow mother earth makes me cry). the song exclusive royal canterlot wedding playset off of the album "fun fun fun" is ALSO a really fun interpretation of queen chrysalis as a character!


Everytime one of my favs hit the list I screamed "YEAAAAAAAH"


God I can listen to lullaby for a princess over and over. It's so good!!


I'm honestly just shocked to see none of Jyc Row's work on here. I mean, "Together, Against the Sisters" is my favourite pony song, so I'm biased but still. Jyc makes some top tier stuff.


I love how this series covers all the songs I have known and loved


it also gives me RaYgAy vibes
also this made me feel like I was 8 again cuz I would get up after everyone had gone to bed just to watch lullaby for a princess and I am so sad warpout hasn't uploaded ;-;


I have a vague idea of the order that a certain three Wooden Toaster songs go in as a story.
First, Prototype VIP. Second, Rainbow Factory. Lastly, Awoken.