
I remember the fugitive arc, and it makes it very ironic that you learn in post game content that GENGAR is the human who got cursed and his Gardevoir pretty much sacrificed herself to ensure that he wouldnt die. Him pointing fingers at your character while HAVING to know that its HIMSELF who was the cursed human....just...wow.


alphys wasn't trying to revive the monsters that became the amalgamates. she was trying to see if she could preserve their souls long enough to break the barrier but they happened to come back to life instead of turn to dust. it was an unintended result that she was just gonna roll with but then they started melting and became the amalgamates


What better way to have a Halloween Special then moments that make you say: “how did they get away with that?”


6:11 - 9:19 Can confirm, this is why I firmly remain a Kirby fan.  Also, we really need to start giving Shinya Kumazaki some credit.  He’s the current director of the Kirby series after Sakurai stepped down.  He’s dipped his foot into the eldritch and cosmically horrible, and came out a master of his craft: making quality Kirby games, and casually setting some of the darkest lore imaginable in stone for the Kirby series as a whole.


All I have to say about Renne's backstory: that is honestly one of the most ****ed up backstories I've ever heard of in my life for a video game character.


You know stuff gets super dark when josh gotta put a trigger warning for an entry


Athena's REALLY threw me for a loop.
I knew shit would be bad, BUT DAMN.

And Renne....
It's always the small little girls that always haunt us all.


After both Athena and Renne entries….
Here’s an idea: Top  darkest videogames backstories


Another thing that I feel can kinda undermine the horror value of the True Lab is how, at the end of the day, none of the Amalgamates are any sort of malicious. The most threatening displays are from the Memoryheads seemingly trying to get you to join into a hive mind and Lemon Bread's ominous statements, but the Memoryheads treat the hive mind like a casual parts, and don't even force you to join, just act disappointed more than anything. And Lemon Bread's attitude can be chalked up to how two of it's components are antisocial introverts. Also they all have happy endings getting reunited with their families, so all's well that ends well I guess.


"Kirby Pause Screens would get along real well with the Pokedex"
So fun fact about that...
The team that writes Pokedex entries and the team that designs Pokemon are two separate teams. The designers have no clue the adorable balloon is written as a child kidnapper, or the goofy big mouth giant Gengar is a portal to hell, etc. until later.


Star Door 15 is legit the darkest experience I’ve ever had in a game before. After a game full of magical creatures, strange worlds and quirky moments this basically dropped kicked me in the chest.


When I first played through the first two Trails in the Sky games, one of the biggest thoughts in my mind was “Damn, I don’t think there’s a single kid in video games with as much baggage as Joshua Bright.”

I also remember being really annoyed with Renne’s behaviour throughout SC and thought, “I hope in the future she’ll really get knocked down a few pegs and be slapped with a fat dose of reality.”

Then I played Sky the 3rd and Star Door 15 happened…


This video is the first time I found out about both Athena's backstory and Star Door 15.

All I have to say is, "What the HELL, game creators!? How did you get away with this!?"


What gets me about the Sam and Max entry is just... How the games built up to that prior. When time travel became a thing, it's almost telling and honestly quite sad seeing Max go. Because in foresight... The games suggested just as much. In the past, the two are youthful eager kids who are playing games together, and generally having a good time. The future is so disconnected in that regard. Max in the future is almost just as young as he is throughout the games, just with sci-fi gimmicks. Sam on the other hand is old, likely suffering from more intense mental degradation. The Max he ends up with at the end probably also gets replaced. The tragedy is that they NEVER just get to grow together. Some version of Max just comes along as Sam's care taker, and it's sweet that he DOES care so universally about Sam he would do that, but Sam is lost in an old mind. Recalling his earliest adventures with the Max that he WAS growing up with. The one he likely had feelings for the most. It's such a gut punch looking at that scene again, because it really feels like the consequences of them NEVER truly opening to each other. They joked about it, they flirted with the idea, and were likely close to it multiple times. But it wouldn't last, so Sam felt incomplete, words not said to his little buddy.


The second I heard you say Trails I got chills... I still can't believe they actually pulled that off in a tasteful way


When you started putting the Trails Series in your videos I told myself “there’s gonna be a countdown with Star Door 15 one day” and well, it’s here and just as hecked up as anticipated. 
Seriously, I cannot recommend this series enough. Seeing the growth of characters like Renne over the course of several games and seeing her go from small psychotic child to not-so-small only slightly psychotic teenager is just such a treat. And the bond she shares with Estelle and Joshua, especially in Sky 3rd and Zero, still brings me tears every time I see it.


I’m so glad that Renne’s backstory from the Trails series was in the list because I literally had to leave my controller for a bit after learning what she has gone through, she was just a child for crying out loud. Did not expect at all how insanely dark it got. There  are a few other dark moments but Renne takes the cake or she will rather host a tea party to take things. The Trails series is my all time favorite series and the characters and world building in the series are the main reasons why. I love Renne and I can’t wait how she will be in Trails Through Daybreak next year.



Nuzleaf's betrayal in PSMD is the darkest moment in the Mystery Dungeon series to me is... that was you father figure. That was the man who took you in and sent you to school, and now he turned you to stone and essentially literally sent you to hell.


14:20 I didn't expect a Party Crashers reference in a JoshScorcher video but, all things considered, it was a pleasant surprise.


As you can imagine, I was thrilled to be writing entry Number 1 ^^ ...and I'm impatiently excited for when The Devil's Playhouse Remastered comes out ^^