Why the hell he has less subs ..... Best science channel ever i love this channel.
I've known about neutron stars for a long time, but it never occurred to me that we could see their back sides from the front. Every one of your videos that I've seen offers some gems of new concepts. Keep up the brilliant work!
Dude I loved this video. It's getting hard to find videos that teach me something new about astrophysics that I didn't know before, but this one definitely did it. I know about neutron stars and a lot of the info you provide, but you provide some extra stuff that I never knew before. Neutron stars can't create magnetic fields if they are only neutrons. Makes sense.
Hi I love your videos, I recently Subbed around a week ago. I love watching maths and science videos in my "free" time, and when I say "free" I really mean when I should be doing work.
You'll be one of the big YTers one day
I'm a physics student from iran. Just wanted to say you have subs around the world:)
I've been watching YouTube videos for almost a decade now, and this is probably my 2nd comment ever here. I follow all the top Science channels and trust me, yours is the best. Channels like PBS Space Time and Minute Physics can sometimes be a bit too complex and other channels can be too simple, but the balance in yours is spot on. I also love the humor. Just like everyone here, I'm perplexed at the amount of subscribers you've got. You deserve millions of subscribers for the effort you put into! You truly are awesome! I wish I could start earning soon so I can help support you. Please don't stop these videos. Have I mentioned they're lovely, yet? :)
This channel is one of my best discoveries of 2017. High-five to you!
I wouldn't call a Neutron Dwarf (ND) a 'star', because it's a CORPS of the star! Just like a WD. But thanks to this video I finally realize of how 'r-process' works -- 3:30. When 2 ND collides -- their crust opens and the inner neutronium immediately decays into lanthenides & other super heavy elements. Thanks, dude!
0:16 is the reason I subscribed to this channel
Superb channel. You've got the mix between silly and informative absolutely spot on for maintaining our attention. Great job, please make more!
This video was gooood. Got the impression you talked a little slower than usual, which was relaxing when pacing along. Some of this stuff is neutron-hard to digest
I wish you posted more often. Your videos are the best!
"You dead" hahahahaha
Fantastic job on the animations in this one Nick. Well done!
Excellent video! I discovered your channel pretty recently. I've watched several other YouTube videos on neutron stars, but this one had several facts that none of the others mentioned. And I enjoyed the way you presented things. Keep up the great work!
Outstanding videos. You need more subscribers. I'm glad to be one of the crazies now. I'll tell all my crazy friends so they'll join too.
This is the best description of a Neutron Star that I have seen
1) What are starquakes on a neutron star? 2) What is a magnetar? 3) How a neutron star's life would end over the time? 4) How bright neutron stars can be? 5) Can quark stars exist? Awesome video nick, Nice editing, love your channel.