As a lifelong New Yorker, the resurgence of St. John’s basketball is something special. The city hasn’t been on fire since Coach Jarvis and the 2000 team
So glad I bought last minute tickets to the game. Great atmosphere and even better game. I've been to a ton of SJU games, but never a Big East tournament game.
Shout out to St John's and Coach Patino. Last year he constructively criticized his team PUBLICLY because he knew what it needs and should have looked like and proved his point with a Conference Tournament Championship
When this team turns up the defense, they are unstoppable. Reminds me of old school Gtown Hoya defense. Let's go Johnnies.
Creighton was doing that hand gesture the whole game and never got called for a technical foul
Jimmy Fallon’s St. John’s sea shanty will be their theme song
St. John's feels like a real New York team, gritty, sworming defense, hard hits, make you have to come in to beat them like the 90s Knicks and the championship Giants teams
Chris mullin and Walter berry are smiling tonight....and lou carnesecca is looking down proud!
The Redmen spirit is back. Here's to you sweet Lou!🏆🏀🙏✝️🙏🏀
St johns half court sets are nice
Someone who is 34 and love basketball deeply. This looks like a better game than the NBA. That pivot by Luis was absolutely filth. Looking like Kobe
QGTM 💰🖤They play like a 80s 90s NYC squad - Let’s make a run - this game also changed when coach went to the bench…. Energy and effort changed and showed a few of the starters the effort needed to win - 2nd half Luis was fantastic
I haven't watched a second of cbb this season. Was absolutely shocked to see them as a 2 and then find out they won the big east. Rooting for them to do something big in the tourney.
Nothing better than Gus Johnson calling an intense college basketball game 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Terrible technical call on rj luis. It was for a three, not a gun lol.
St Johns what a year.
His stock is high" But i hope Rj Luis returns for his senior year.
I'm a Manhattan kid, went to college upstate (go T-Breds), and I have nothing but love for the Johnnies for their historic run!
St. John’s is back!