
I'll never forget the time when the Red Mist, of all creepypastas out there, becomes officially canon to the actual Spongebob lore.


Watch out for the lost Shunks episode where she has hyper realistic blood coming from her eyes. It’s totally a real thing and not a hoax


A specific lost episode creepypasta I remember reading when I was way too young to be reading Creepypastas was the Max and Ruby 0004 one. I barely remember it besides the pictures they provided


Also, I love when people acknowledge SlimeBeast's "Lost Episodes" story. SlimeBeast has some underrated stories buried in his catalog...


lost episode creepypastas genuinely might be my favourite thing ever


“How to make a creepypasta” with your teacher, Mr Guy
Step 1: take a cartoon character, preferably a children’s character 
Step 2: give them hyper realistic blood shot eyes
Step 3: have them murder some of the characters 
Step 4: Include some backwards music of the main theme
Step 5: add the title “lost episode of insert cartoon name here
Step 6: add a description of how you found it. Either highjacking of the program or VHS
Step 7: rake in the profits 
This has been “How to make a creepypasta”
Now, any questions? This will be on the test


Gosh, if I had been a teen back then instead of the mid 2000s, I 100% can assure you that I would have had the temerity to unironically make a Darkwing Duck Lost Episode Creepypasta, lol.


It might just be me but back in the day I was so creeped out by Dead Bart... cause of the way it uses the whole "Simpsons predict the future" thing and the uncanny rough animation of season 1 that had to be scrapped. It's well thought out, if nothing else.


Lost episodes were everything to me at 6 years old, sometimes they were scary but I remember watching this series dedicated to bad lost episode creepypastas. Id climb up on the couch and watch them (while a certain guardian was unfortunately busy drinking) and laugh away at horribly written ones


Lost episode genre is just wasted potential due to tropes like hyper realism bloodshot eyes and reverse opening theme song btw the lost episode creppypastas I like is Candle Cove and Faith buddies


iconic lost episodes are very weird but back in my day they were spooky


Its funny out of all the series to get a lost episode
I don't think MLP ever got one that became popular
All we got were fan fics that people just slapped the label creepypasta on


5:36 You and me both, brother. 😻


I remember being obsessed with cartoon conspiracy videos! I was too scared to watch ones based around real life 👉👈


My holy Lost Episode trilogy is Lost Episodes by Slimebeast, ALF Autopsy and Faith Buddies. All great.


so excited this is gonna be so good


I grew up listening to creepypasta lost episodes


these inspired me to write my own lost episode pastas some that scared me the most as a 7 year old were the grieving ed Edd n eddy lost episode death of Mac and candle cove


I think lost episodes are one of the more fascinating aspects of the creepypasta ouvre, so to speak, partially because the concept is just innately intriguing, which is why so many people tried (badly) to throw their hand in. More than that, it's fascinating because the subgenre was, I distinctly remember, one of the ones at which the "real" creepyasta fans and authors looked down our noses at the time. Yet here we are however many years later, and the cool, interesting aspects of the concept have been re-purposed into something a lot more original and interesting in more modern horror projects like Welcome Home and even non-horror mystery series like Angel Hare.

Really goes to show you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If there's a shred of an idea that works, build on that.


everyday i mourn for melira