
you taught me more in this 10 minute video than my teacher did in 2 weeks


Again, Bozeman Science saving me in biology.. As a guy studying Pscyhology, and whom has no experience with biology what so ever I simply could not have done without you! And, also, I learn much better watching your videos than listening to lectures. Thank you, Mr. Andersen! 


You taught me this stuff in 10 minutes and i fully understand when my teacher taught it in a week and i had no clue what was going on thank you savior


Your high school teaches should be thankful for having you, Paul. I learned more in ten minutes than I did in an entire lecture from my biology professor


Mr. Anderson refers to an "A protein" however the A, B, and O antigens are definitely carbohydrates, not protein.
Some people in the comments are saying "it is a glycoprotein" however I checked my molecular biology and biochemistry textbooks and they say that the oligosaccharide can be attached to a lipid or a protein.  The gene involved in ABO blood types codes for an enzyme (glycosyltransferase) which can add a monosaccharide to the O antigen.  If you have the A allele you have the transferase that adds N-acetylgalactosamine to the O antigen. If you have a B allele you have a transferase that adds galactose to  the O antigen.  People with AB blood type have both transferases and therefore both A antigen and B antigen.


I love this guy. Mr. Andersen...please be my college professor! Or at least show my current instructors how to teach students better!


i always get here when im lost in medical biology.. thank you so much!!


Watched this video in AP Bio, now i'm back to watch it during Pharmacy School


I couldn't do my assignments without your videos!


Thank you for making these videos and being a better teacher than my actual biology teacher. I learn more from your videos than a week of class


Thanks! I have a quiz tomorrow. The chapter is literally named after Mendell, but it goes way deeper than that. So this was a great review. :)


This was extremely helpful. Im studying for my PBMT (Perioperative blood management technologist) test and this was so confusing for me to understand when I saw it in my book. This video made it very simple. Thank you! Is there any other videos you would recommend that would be helpful to my studies?


Thank you!!! That clears the whole antibody vs antigen thing right up!


Thanks, what a legend this man just made my day


Thank you!  I am doing a blood typing lab today in class and I wanted to explain this better to my kids.


Mr Anderson, You are doing a wonderful work....i am sure it is helping many people like it is helping me........


You have been so much help this semester, thank you dearly. You make bio fun and especially with the colored images you use


Better than my teacher could ever teach it. Thank you


Thanks. I have a test tomorrow. Now I am ready for it.


Check out the AP Biology Lab playlist.  It is near the bottom.  Hope this helps.