
The Super Mario Bros Movie 2 (2026): 3 Surprising Pitches For The Sequel:-



Yeah 100%❤


Oh my gosh I can’t waitttt


Im excited for
inside out 3


I hope and hope it doesn’t take so long like sometimes and it’s kinda in my head


I always love Finding Marlin/Finding Nemo 3 and Inside Out 3.❤


I hope there will be a inside out 3, joy and all their friends return for a new adventure. I wonder if we get to see more emotions and what's next for riley and I hope she gets a boyfriend in the third movie


They're making Inside Out 3


When does wild robot 2 come out ?


What in the AI?


When is the Sequel Era gonna stop?! 😰


I can see this happening, as long they don't make Riley gay and this has a good story.
