
9:20 "Non-denominational" does not mean atheist in this context. It means "not belonging to any specific denomination of Christianity." There are plenty of Christians who do not identify as Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, etc. but simply as "Christian" and don't have ideological disagreements with other Christians who follow the basic message of the religion.


3:35: False: the northeast US is closer to Africa than the southeast. The closest US state to Africa is actually Maine.


Non-denominational does not mean atheist.  It means the church is not affiliated with a mainline denomination ie: Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, etc.  Nondenominational churches are simply Christian churches with varying sets of foundational beliefs.


“Non-Denominational” is a branch of Protestant Christianity that is very similar to baptist churches


Fun fact, Maine not Florida is actually the closest US state to Africa.


Pretty much nobody migrates by boat these days.  All the places African immigrants came to have major international airports.


I really like the last map who takes rivers into account. Sometimes in any parts of the world mistakes have been made not to think about ethnic groups or natural features.


it might be interesting having a video about the different types of attractions in a number of US-States - maybe divided into groups like theme parks, national parks, historical sides, museums and malls. and the most interesting thing would probably be having a short historical summary about those attractions.


By African immigrants. It includes many Arab Americans from Egypt that moved to Detriot and the Twin cities


9:27 nondenominational is a branch of Christianity similar to baptist in practices but aims for a more board religious appeal


As a Northern Californian I approve this message. (Southern and Northern California are two different states)


Him:"A word from our sponsor,"
Me: booo
Me: ooohhh


Fun fact regarding the African immigration.  The northeast is closer to Africa physically than the south is.  And nobody is immigrating by boat.


I wonder how Pike Place Market numbers were calculated as locals also visit the market.


idea: a map of UK, Ireland or any European country under the same subheadings in the video


That most popular tourist attraction is so out of date, the Jefferson expansion memorial in Missouri is now the gateway arch national park.


9:26 Non denominational basically means an independent Protestant church without any larger organizational structure outside the church. Denominations are branches of Protestantism (Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist etc). Definitely not atheist.


I would like to say that the coal-fire plants in Utah are also the oldest power plants, thus the first that will be replaced. Unfortunately, there isn't a river worthy of the name (well, the Colorado cuts through a less populated area) to provide hydroelectric, so they will probably get replaced with methane-burners.


Yes, a separate video on tourism attractions in each state, please! Awesome maps. Thank you. 😊


As a Chicagoan who has built a chronic counter strike addiction from nuclear energy I approve of this message 👍🏻🇺🇸