
bro you can see perfectly the first guy has some kind of mental disorder, maybe autism, behaviour disorder, dyslexia or sth and yet they still treat him like he was a menace to society, that's just messed up


My heart broke for that 1st guy, he clearly needed help not an arrest.


feel so terrible for this first guy.... these officers should be ashamed of themselves for treating this guy that way. they could have just as easily SERVED the public like they're supposed to do and help him finish his transaction


This is absolutely messed up how some people have no remorse for a mentally disabled person like him😒


What store is this? Boycott them. Screw them for letting this happen.


Taking a harmless, mentally ill man trying to buy a bike and minding his business to jail for taking a bit to long. Way to protect and serve πŸ™„πŸ˜’


Wtf is wrong with people, it's kind of obvious that the guy is "special".
How can these cops look in the mirror...


He was arrested for paying...wow




I use cash all the time at those self check outs. That’s complete bs  and they should be in jail


The young lady has the right to not speak. Williamson county is infamous for this kind of crap.


She got beat up by her boyfriend and the police


A lawyer will stop them.


πŸ˜‚ Good for him,  he lost everything πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


so weird. cops go to "investigate" an assault and proceed to assault the "victim".


Cop has his gun in hand. Total bs. I hope she sues them.


2nd case... cops just looking for charges. That takedown was completely unnecessary. Hope she got a good payout.


Decertify these tyrants


It def appears like some bit of patience would have made this situation better. This guy could be handled easily so the cops could have been a bit more accomodating. It wasn't like he was stealing. But, this is only THIS video. Sounds like the AG saw what it was and acted accordingly


Thumbnail had nothing to do with either one of those videos