We've all been there. I remember during my PhD I had to present a chapter of my dissertation and I started presenting things that weren't in the actual chapter and my supervisor was flipping to the chapter like crazy trying to figure out what on earth I was talking about. I ended my presentation with "and you had a short preview of the next chapter" and felt so proud of it. Looking back, I am quite sure I sounded like a bratty idiot.
LOVE MOOO!!! Does she workout also? LOVE the idea going to different places and give your review with the food, music etc.
I've been waiting all week for the next "week in the life" -- so excited to watch... also in the process of applying to grad school, so these videos are so inspiring. Thank you for this amazing content, Kaelyn!
Teaching is always intellectually draining and time and task intensive. It is not always easy to come home and jump into the next task or project you're working on. In 2014, I was teaching and then coming home and writing my novel and film scripts, but that was while teaching 3 classes as an adjunct. When I became full-time, teaching the base 5 classes with additional 4, it was a different beast. I can still write, but when you are writing something where you need to have a continuous understanding and apply it consistently, whether you're writing a novel or a dissertation, you need a good space of time to do that. I get it when you discuss not feeling up to doing anything else after a full day of teaching.
I just started a PhD in the humanities glad I’m not the only one who feels like I’m always rambling
Justed wanted to say your such an inspiration and motivational source for me as I get through my phd. Really need this! But also, can you share your cookie recipe? 😇
My nephew started at Yale last September class of 2026. He just got his grades and got a few B+ and B and he's disappointed ☹️. But I told him that's not bad and Yale isn't High school!
“I have lost it. I have cracked.” - Things I don’t want a therapist to tell me.
Just finishing Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap. I really enjoy it and love your book recommendation!!!
Keep going and never give up, you are always my source of inspirations,
Thank you for creating such valuable content. You are truly an inspiration for me, whenever i m stuck at any point of my research projects you have become my go to person🥺❤️I hope all your projects and exams go exceptionally well. All the best ♥️♥️
Hu Katelyn, I like your recent posts about a day in the life on the Vblog It is very motivating to see how you manage your daily schedule. I am wondering if any interruption in your daily schedule unexpectedly
This is the epitome of my last week! hahaha you would chuckle at the similarities in our "losing it" moments.
Hahaha I had to pause the video to comment. You made me laugh with your story about how you went on and on rambling. I did the same in my first year appraisal, where my external examiner was questioning my ability to understand the language of computer scientists and I went on and on trying to explain the codes and graphs of computer simulation. You are not alone.
It’s so nice to hear you have a ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Ritual with your friend(s).
absolutely loved the new pedagogical approach you took that focused on self care, especially when reading texts that demand so much emotional labor from students. I think students in marginalized bodies will especially benefit from these discussions. <3
😂 made me laugh cause I have done this! Love ur videos and ur content btw! Many of us have somewhat been in ur situation my conciseness screams at me to shut up and ofc I do not listen but hey this maybe a good thing
Hi siss :D i have tried so many times to study at the coffe shop and that was a big no no, maybe if I was doing editing then that will be okay or if I was praciting questions in the book then that is okay. However , reading in the coffe shop is a no. it better to just stay at home.... 😁
10:21 Does doing a little dance while listening to music at my desk count? Been doing that a lot to cope with life's stressors (read: work and school; the whole reason I'm at my desk all day in the first place 😅 🙃)