Thank you so much sir. Bahut achchhi tarah se aapne bataya hai. Aur mujhe sirf yahi function nahi mil raha tha. Thanks again.
Thank you very much sir for your valuable informarion
Wonderful keyboard I have
thank you bhai
Sir mere piano main bank nhi save ho raha 😢😢😢😢😢 please help kijye
Precio del piano
Sar jo bank me toun Sev he use dlet kese kre
Hi When I tried to save different voices in differet memories,it does not save all memories as the same new voice. Please advise
Can we save tone ??with modify it add effect ..n thn save & how many tones we can modify n save ..
Bhai , ek bank me 8 tones ya 6 tones rakhne se achha hota...lekin only 4tones ...not satisfied 😔
The bank system is very bad. At least it should be like EM 20. Suppose I am playing Bank 3 and my another tone saved into Bank 1 I can't access instantly because I have to press Bank button several time to get that tone. When I am at performance I don't have to choise to save every tone of each song. I hv to memorize them and have save. In one word it is just worthless. Please try to keep it At least as EM 20 where we can get at a time 16 tones by one key press.
Where is freeze option..?
Eshki perahij kya he
सर रोलैंड जूनो डि का भी ऐसा ही वीडियो बनाइए
सर जी मुझे सिखना है
Mere Roland e x 30 main bank main koi bhi tone store nahi hota hai
सर बना दीजिएगा वीडियो रिप्लाई जरूर देना
Bank system very poor Forward to hota hai but no back system