
"Waaahhh wwaaahhh you can't sue me, I'm Christian so I'm allowed to break the law and treat you like shit!" - Bash Co


The fact that Bashify came with receipts off the rip and Bash Co just cried while using religion tells me everything I need to know about Bash Co.


The fact that she was "crying" during a simple statement makes me think she is the problem.


Anyone who starts off crying and not providing any proof is an immediate red flag.


"God told us" - immediately no


It feels hard to connect to a sob story that's got different camera angles and a professional studio. They speak in that Youtube apology tone lol


Starting their call-out video with a preface about how they're good Christians who got closer to God immediately makes me think they're bullshit artists


Bash co. claimed it was a trademark issue, then in their cease and desist claimed it’s a copyright issue. They don’t even understand the difference between what they’re claiming. They definitely don’t have a lawyer backing them up, cuz they have no case. If it had been a real lawyer who wrote that cease and desist, they would have at least known it’s trademark issue, not copyright


Why is it as soon as they started with "Christian company" and a sob story to sell product I knew they were gonna be the bad guys lmao


Hold up. Didn’t this woman say she was being sued by a company she had NEVER heard of??


Idk, capitalizing religion already puts a bad taste in my mouth about bash co.

Edit: it just got worse 💀


So we have one party tying religion to a business and inconsistently using the trembling-verge-of-tears voice and another party who’s coming with logic and transparent receipts. Hmmmm who to believe??? 🤦‍♀️


The moment the voice crack held back sob on "LaWsUit Papers" happened I just went nope - i dont even know either side yet but somehow this feels wrong


“God told us to make $$$$$” is ALWAYS a red flag bc the Bible literally says that money is evil and should NOT be your main focus as a true Christian.  Scammers and deceivers is what it sounds like when someone uses the Faith to make money. 😂


"As we got closer to God we decided to make it a Christian clothing company"
"We realized how much Christians will pay for merch and it makes us look good so we gain clout and cash by fake following God"


"If you know us, you know we're big on supporting people," said no person who's big on supporting people ever.

The fact that they use God as a shield and brought the tears immediately made me disbelieve them even before we got to the receipts. We've seen this before, too many times to count.

Also, this guy was nothing but kind and tried very hard to work with them, and they spit in his face. I would NEVER want to have anything to do with their snake-ass company.


I knew she was a shady liar the minute I heard that fake, shaky voice!


I watch here so I don’t have to ever look at the dumpster fire that is TikTok. Thanks for taking one for the team Markie!


I really want to know what their God has to say about Sierra screaming and calling someone the C word in the middle of the mall and in front of their kids while she's on her "journey." What an absolute nightmare of a person. Maybe Janet will be able to help her, unlike all the other people's cases she lost.


“ChRiStIaN aPpArEl CoMpAnY” my god. My eyes are rolling so hard I can see the back of my skull. These people are THE WORST.