There came to my window one morning in spring a sweet little Robin came there for to sing.... Thank you... Robin and all else.... And God
If there ever was a true Captain of laughter, it surely was Robin Williams. RIP
Oh Captain!
Saying that I love this YT channel is an understatement. <3
One of your best videos I've seen in a while imo. loved it.
love it. it's deep & true. rip to the great Robin Williams
The Captain - Motivational Video Brought to you By CJ-Chan A Tribute to Robin Wiliams
This is wonderful. I felt this message. Thanks 👍🏻
The words burn and call and pull and beg and yell and pray and sing and push and cry and please and lift and help and I love you whoever you are, thank you.
this deserves a LOT MORE VIEWs
I need to turn that captain piece into a a piece of wall art. Powerful piece!
I still can't believe he's gone and the way he went.. may he rip!!
This is a really nice vid, massive appreciation!
love it truly inspirational keep up the good work bro watched a couple of your vids +1 sub much love and respect from serbia
Cj you are really talented. keep it up. thanks for your videos
Robbins Williams a very talented man.
fabulous work! thank you so much! keep growing computer jockey! much love and consideration :);)
Awesome, love your videos bless up!
Thanks for break free some minds...