


I love Denis. He can play with both the black and white pieces. He waits his turn and always makes legal moves. Carefully removes pieces from the board after a capture. I have also seen him move a knight backwards.


1. d4 is very unusual, he has a point.


"It must be laundry day because that king is being hung up to dry"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


17s in and I'm already on the floor. πŸ˜†


Soon Kramnik will be reporting his opponents for breathing


It’s not just the β€œp” word, it’s the phrase.  Allowing a check or not being able to play a move because of a pin against the king is β€œpremature echeckulation β€œ.


Killin me with kramnik introπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Forget the cheese your comedy sense is gold


97k viewers!!!! Man this is amazing, congratulations mate. I was one of your first back in the day.


absolutely love it! this one is for your self esteem, keep it up man, the big 100k is coming soon!


Denis the Menace


Great game by Lazavik he’s bad ass wow what an endgame Thanks James


Vishy had a real good think before ordering the mushroom, sign of a grand mushroom eater


@5:55 "it's really bugging me, I can't remember what the word is, it starts with a 'p'..."

The phrase you're looking for is "premature attackulation", you've shown it on your channel...  All the super GMs suffer from it...


Kramnik reacting to 1.d4 is hilarious


Right, lets see how far i get through this one before i have to rewind coz im laughing so much πŸ˜‚


best Kramnik clip yet!  hahahah He's already doubting anyone could possibly think of D4 on the OPENING. hahaha


That pause before "mushrooms" was perfect.


Amazing, your better than a Mexican broadcaster describing a soccer game!


The biggest troll of the chess game, no doubt