
We blamin Tani now not Toshi




Don't stop to do this videos, You're so cool man ❤️


Me: rolls ultra with 8th attempt
My dad: rolls it with 1st attempt oh whats this-


I managed to pull 2 copies in 9k cc but in between I also got 3 copies of old VB and 3 copies of SOH trunks and 2 copies of that green LL Vegeta


If I got that legends limited trunks I’d be so happy, I’ve been trying to get him for forever


0:14 what the Name This meme kkk 🤣🤣


MY luck your luck 🤞


I got him for free just by soul boosting for a couple hours got 5k cc got him on the 1st step 2nd roll through the steps 😄


I remember when I first summoned on this banner when I was somewhat new to the game and pulled the lf goku black thinking it was the ultra


I got it on my 2nd attempt after getting shafted for years, i love u toshi


3rd try in green sky 🔥🔥🔥


I got him first rotation i was hype


I need another ultra summonable one


Toshi:”you said you wanted goku black right? Fine but your not getting anything good next summons!”


How many summons did it take?


i got him on the free summon and i started playing🎉


I got a copy of him when he first came out and when he came back the first time i got another copy of him so i can finaly use him in hes full potential


I got him second try.
But i hate golden frieza cause i spent like 13000 crono crystals and didn't get him😢.