
I have been tapping for over a few months now and this one was one that hit some deep rooted traumas that I lost memory about. While growing up, my parents and my dad especially had (still has) this big group of friends. Almost every week we had these gatherings of all the families. I was really close to this one girl that we were friends that has then decided to not be friends with me anymore. She turned all other kids against me ending up isolated to every gathering for the years to come. I was bullied, humiliated and the worst part is that their parents and my parents knew about it and they made fun of the situation. I begged my dad every single time to stay at home and he happily insisted that I should be there. So I felt that if my own dad doesn't value me, doesn't see the deep pain that I was in who would right... and I just remembered this. I started a new job where at break times we all sit together where we talkl and meet each other which brought up this anxiety and overwhelming fear. Now I know why and now I know that this tapping video is saving my life. I feel that I am breathing again. I don't need the fear or the awkwardness. I deserve to shine my light and be the magnificent person that I was born to be. 
Brad if you ever read this, Thank you thank you thank you. You just gave hope to a girl that has lost herself for a while.


Only people with social anxiety knows how hard sometimes our social life can be! This is something really helpful for relax. Thank you!


Ok I'd just like to say, due to my social anxiety I was getting ready to quit my job of 7 years on Friday, THEN I found this video and many others Brad has shared, I LITERALLY CANNOT BELIEVE THE DIFFERENCE IN ME!! Basically i'm terrified of new people and important people, and my boss told me last week that a new person was starting to go into a more senior role to myself, anyway I was told this person has to sit with me and I have to teach him for 3 MONTHS! I felt like the bottom had fallen out of my world, then after a few days searching frantically online for a miracle cure I FOUND ONE!! Brad I LOVE you!! You can't know how much this has and will change my life xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


You are a gift to be shared... :)


thanks for this! i'm starting to tap on my social anxiety disorder so i just changed "awkwardness" to "anxiety" and it helped a lot.


I know this video’s old but I just have to thank you for it, Brad. Thank you so much. This has really helped me calm down before going into video calls, which I’m doing a lot of lately. I’ve basically felt awkward around people since I learned to talk but over the last 10 years or so, while I was experiencing some major life challenges and changes, I developed a full-on FEAR of other people and, as a result, isolated myself more and more until I’d made my world so small, only my partner and mom were in it. I’m finally healing, and now theres this longing in me, a deep craving for more connection and community. With fear is in the way, I got really sad and hopeless...but now I’m not. I’m reaching out and making connections now , and this tapping meditation has helped me regain my confidence, learn to love myself and relax. Thank you❤️🙏


Wow this one hit HARD. I didn't realize how deep these feelings were for me until I started crying during this script. I feel SO much better though!! Thank your for your work ❤


One of my favorite videos of yours. I didn't break through all the old pain after just this one tap. But I could get a sense for the wall, the sadness and fear that make up my intense desire to isolate and keep people at bay. I immediately knew "yeah, I need to watch this one a over and over again..."


I will need to come back.ive had this for yrs..only one to help me so far is you Brad..on all my issues..thanks!!


Thank you so much. The words were spot on and deep, it made me cry. I've been doing EFT for a few months, but it's the first time I felt a deep release. 


Brad, I've been watching a few of your tapping videos so far after hearing about you a week ago. This tapping, in particular, made me cry tears of emotion and comfort. Emotions from relating to everything you said, and comfort from your understanding, encouragement, and gentleness. I'm so grateful for you, thank you!


Thank you so much for this video! I am so very grateful for it. I have had social anxiety for many years but have hated it since I absolutely love talking to people. I have decided to do this every single day and just see what happens. Thank you!


Thank you , this is something that has affected me all my life. I have been having suicidal feelings lately , so thank you very much for this :)xxx


I have to say this immediately made me feel better, perhaps because of the particular things you said being so relatable even in their vagueness. It appears the key is to truly channel what is bothering you, through visualisation and verbalisation. Putting it out into the world, peace.


TAPPED. Wow what a beautiful heartfelt meditation tapping session.  Such a blessing and a beautiful gift to the world we all are. Blessings to you Guru Brad.


Thank you from the depths of my heart. This video resonates with me very strongly and unlike any other eft tutorial I have tried. I am so grateful.


Thank you, Brad! Your videos are amazing and have been helping me through a lot of things! 💖🙏
Lots of Love, 


Thank you Brad, this helped me to go out today shopping. I appreciate you and all of your sharing !


I am so happy I found ur channel. Every time I have nervousness for something I come on your channel and tap it away for the specific problem. You have changed my life and I hope that you have been and are still being rewarded for all you do on here. 🌹🧐😭🧐🌺🌺


Brad is definately an Earth Angel!