I have always admired Lingyi for her work in Wahbanana, but her knowledge of food is wah!! Its on another level!
I think it's time for Lingyi to treat the Wah!Banana and Overkill crew to Scaled!
Indeed the best guest after chef bob. Love to try the inle myanmar restaurant when im coming to singapore on september! Cant wait!
Lingyi is someone I respect a lot as she seems extremely capable yet willing to mix in with her crew to have fun, similar to Ryan. The killer game is 1 of my fav shows to watch along with getfed, great episode!
Fun Fact: The "牛油" in 牛油火锅 is beef tallow which is beef fat, and not the butter which we put on bread. Mainland Chinese calls butter 黄油.
Watching for ling yi!
Wah Burmese food mentioned I'm so shooked❤❤❤ , I like Ling Yi even more now as a Burmese I was like wtf is share bae then took me a few secs to realise hahah
More Linyi in the show pls!!
As a Burmese myself, seeing Lingyi recommending Burmese food just melts my heart
How are you today ☺️ Ryan & Wah Banana 🍌 and I am Zack from Malaysia and I really like the food video 📹
0.5k more to go! letsssssssssgooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Love Lingyi🎉😂❤
anyone noticed? they didnt seem to shoot the opening at the end of the shoot/day.
Thank you for featuring pigs brain!! I love it but it’s so rare and hard to find😅
Ryan and Ben have natural chemistry on camera. It's not about the jokes; don't need jokes. But it's like two people who are naturally fit to be friends. Also I find Ben a good presenter; very natural.
is refreshing to see a different guest and not xiao qian again 😅
Fun fact, scaled was featured in foodking 😊
waiting to watch the Simonboy episode. hope it's soon..... I reckon it will be a fun episode. he can show Ben some slick moves & dating tips😝