Regardless of if it’s the original version or this anime edit, everyone needs to RUN THIS SONG UP! This is one of the best songs he’s done all year and the world needs to hear it!
Does this song hit anyone else a little different since Akira Toriyama died? I know he didn't have a hand in most of the series shown here, but I can't help but feel like Goku set an example for the headstrong, determined protagonist archetype.
I declare this song to be the Anthem for all Shounen anime henceforth.
"I see it, I'll reach it, Every step takes me farther from home" and then, at the end "I've reached it, I'll keep it, I will call it my home" is such a powerful development.
A tribute to all the anime shows that inspire generations of people in the west of great storytelling, and how these stories can continue to inspire more later on.
I cant believe how many people don't know your music. Every song you make is just as immaculate as the last. It's a wonderful mixture of talent, skill, and beauty. Keep doing what you're doing man. You deserve a bigger audience. We all love you Divide
No matter what anime you like or don't like, we can all agree that anime has been there through all our ups and downs. It's been our escape from all the stresses of life.
This feels like the ultimate anime tribute
Not gonna lie this song gives me chills everytime I hear it. Such an uplifting and goal oriented song. Great for any workout Playlist.
This song is beautiful, and that guitar solo, oh my goodness, just, a total masterpiece
No matter how many times I watch this. It always blows me away!
This is the most beautiful Anime dedicated song you've done. I love that you decided to dedicate it to all the anime we know and love
If we ever get one giant anime crossover movie, this has to play either during the credits or when everyone goes into their final form during the big finale
BEST SONG EVER!! Definitely a MUST hear for anyone. Especially Anime and manga lovers. Share this with others cause Divide Truly deserves so much more love and support.
It doesn't matter if you don't like anime or nerdcore.. It is a beautiful and magnificent song to pay tribute to those memorable characters and their stories that inspire us all 🙌.
Ever since your One for All song... I've been a subscriber... if seen every song you, fabvl, DPS, Shwabadi, and others do... you guys opened my mind to a whole new genre of music... and I've seen how each one of you has grown over the years... and it makes me happy knowing that you guys are evolving the things you love to do... this song is immaculate... and I always will be a supporter to the end
Truly one of Divide's best songs! Gets better with every listen.
72nd song to break 1 million views! I still remember when it was single digits, you've been killing it these last few years man
I've watched this song every day, multiple times, for the past 3 months. It's my fuel for the day. Really deserves way more recognition!