Listening to this in australia but i must say peru is my favourite place on this planet... i can't wait to go back there again... amazing people and amazing place
Mi hermoso Perú y su cultura y centros históricos de nuestros antepasados los Incas
peruvian flute music that kenny likes👐👐
thank you, Jesus 🙏
That music takes me to the Peruvian mountains, the Andes
So beautiful precious spiritual happiness calmness tranquility amazing ❤️🙏👼🦋🏴
Soft, soft, natural sound. Thanks for sharing, it's a positive energy.
Ecuadorian modern nation. Saludos a la gran gente del Perú.
i think kenny likes it.
I love being Peruvian Latina😌🎀
Excelentes temas del folclor Latinoamericano con instrumentos autóctonos que remarcan su bello origen. gracias por alegrar esta tarde del verano Limeño en este 2024.
Most relaxing music 🎶. The best feeling ever. It calms the atmosphere, especially at night, and creates a peaceful environment. ✌️
Buenos días a todos y qué tengan un hermosísimo día 👋🏻😌❤
Energía positiva y una paz interna ❤
The trickiest part of learning to play the Quena flute is learning to create a tone. With some flutes it is harder to learn to create the tone, but that doesn't mean it is too "hard" to learn. With another type of flute I am learning, the Bansuri, you have to find just the right spot where the air has to enter the flute. The Quena seems trickier and I'm just getting started. musica no solo debe relajar sino ayudar a curar y sanar...nuestra alma emociones e ir mas Espiritu...ahora hay muchos q nesecitamos ver milagros y resultados los musicos no debemos una mision Divina...bless.
i feel as if i were transported in time to another demention .its a feeling i cannot explain but it feels so good.the musical vibrations are so calming and tranquil.i am at peace for sure,
I'm watching a full journey of the Indian Pacific across Australia on another screen with the sound off and this music on another device. Gee, we're lucky to do this stuff..... Absolutely mesmeric and soooo relaxing. Thank you Y.T.
Love from india