
54:30 = One of the most memorable MC moments from Miko's streams




this is too sad. but I like her caring about her pets even when her house was in a fire. she was relieved that it turned out that they were ok. what a nice personality she has!


54:59 the most biggest erroneousness moments ever history of miko-chan in minecraft
we are still love miko next part rebuild the white house ganbare i respect for miko-chan


i am crying and laughing at the same time


55:05 i'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move


0:02:08 開始
0:03:20 かわいい
0:05:32 マイクラスタート
0:08:44 あくび
0:14:52 ホロライブのお風呂の湯
0:15:49 あははは
0:16:15 いくら出す?
0:17:06 みこみこみー円
0:17:34 みこみこみこ円
0:17:46 0:18:10 0:18:36 ♪
0:18:56 シチュエーション再現
┣ 0:21:19 ♪♪
┣ 0:21:47 ホロメンマネ大会
┗ 0:23:35 終了
0:25:09 日記、三日坊主みこち
0:30:45 敵襲
0:31:14 あははは
0:33:17 フランクリンの体の一部
0:34:29 フグトーク
0:37:23 ぶぶぶぶ、ウニ
0:40:38 北海道
0:42:41 かわいいw
0:46:50 0:47:10 もうぉ
0:53:16 かわいい
0:54:28 やばち
0:55:18 家が燃えてる
1:01:35 みこの家が…
1:04:01 みんなも気をつけるだよ
1:06:09 タイトル回収
1:08:49 あくび
1:11:54 ちゅちゅ
1:13:32 受け止めきれない
1:14:42 ♪、面白かったOKです
1:16:14 くしゃみ
1:16:53 元気なるためにホロライブの湯を飲む
1:19:30 ♪
1:21:00 燃えた後の空気
1:22:35 あっ
1:24:47 よしよし
1:25:54 あきらめない心
1:26:36 日記
1:28:34 〆
1:29:30 BGM








54:25 伝 説 の シ ー ン()


55:00 ノラとと


Miko learned a very important rule in MineCraft: Be wary of building your house out of flammable materials


I remember when fire spread was infinite........forced me to have my first floor and the ones that has lava be made of cobble, then have a double chest full of water buckets on every floor.......those were the days....


One of the cutest voice in the Hololive history








Remember kids, don't play around with fire, especially the liquid one 55:00

