The first one would be terrifying too me.
17:23 work at a pizza place 😂
5:19 It’s corn, a big lump of knobs. 7:43 THE BIRD SCREAMED ON TOP OF HIS LUNGS FOR REAL!!! 5:24 SAI! SAI! SAI! SAI! SAI! SAI! SAI!
0:20 now why did he think that was going to bee a good idea??🐝🐝
They use special vacuums to make sure the bees don’t get hurt and but them back into the wild
I was rolling at that scream 3:45
Ranzy: Is he smart or just lazy? Me: Both.
4:37 awwwwww the lil dude is just chillin’ 7:47 LMAO 8:18 lol 9:03 they wanted to go to the beach 10:37 wow
The bar one would be a huuuge jackpot for me. I'm a huge fan of animals and little critter so I'd love to see bats up close.
Watching the first clip made mE VEry UncOMForTaBLE 😬😬😬😬🥴🥴😫🥴
11:50 the sounds coming out of that bird is so flipping cute
13:44 it wasn't a tornado, just a visible dust devil because 1 : if it were a tornado he would be sucked up (its still very strong!) 2 : tornados form from the sky not the ground
2:54 As a fisherman, this would be my dream. Electro fishing is so cool
bro, my mom is fearless. If she did that not only what I take my brother out, I would run away, and we would step as far away as humanly possible and call 911 and be like “ Sir, I think my mom is the bravest person in the universe. She just wiped out the whole bee population in my house, but just a vac.”
It shouldn’t be this hot THIS IS SOPPOSED TO BE MY VASALEAN🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡 That killed me that was so funny😂😂😂
10-10 the hair style is sooooo good lol
5:26 that will be me when my teachers gives me homework during weekends 😭😭😭