In Cuba, as a kid, i use to watch "Bolek i Lolek", a lovely polish cartoon
Interesting fact : I’m Italian , from the city of Cassino and we also have a statue of wojtek because he fought during the battle of Montecassino
You forgot about one thing in Poland-Hungary friendship - during WW II Hitler proposed Hungary to invade Poland, but Hungary declined attack or even help in any kind of agression against Poland, hungarian prime minister said Hungarians never attack theirs friends Poles, he would rather bomb their own railroads if he had to, only to stop invasion Poland. He said, it's matter of honor. Also after invasion, Hungary opened their borders for escaping polish civilian and various organizations took care of them. It shows great friendship between our countries, only shows great honor of Hungarians.
szacunek dla Polski z Iraku 👍🇮🇶
Fun fact: The Polish national anthem mentions Italy and the Italian national anthem mentions Poland.
Just a Hungarian girl sending love to our Polish friends 🇭🇺
Poles: Find a wild bear You're gonna be a soldier
Props to Poland for surviving with it's identity for centuries
You will never see what was here, but i tell you, I am a Hunagrian, so you'll know it.
Okay it really hurts when someone says that “Poles call Marie Curie Marie Skłodowska”. It’s not like we like to call her like that, it was her real name! She was a pure Pole named Maria Skłodowska, and when she got married she changed her last name to Skłodowska-Curie. I wonder why so many of non-polish people just don’t want to call her like that. She was a proud polish woman (when she discovered a new chemical element she called it “polonium” as a tribute to Poland). She kept her polish last name and she didn’t like when people just omitted it, so please don’t do it 🙏🏼
Respect to Poland from Estonia 🇵🇱🇪🇪
Poland is my favorite country 🇧🇬❤️🇵🇱
When I was little my dad always told me that the polish men are good friends. So when I had a chance, I gave a lecture in class on Poland. Because I really love them! <3 - a girl from Hungary 🇭🇺
I'm from Sweden and i absolutely love Poland. Important to note is that the Polish firefighters helped us extinguish our forest fires last year (2018)
Respect to our northern brothers 🇵🇱 from 🇨🇿
Niesamowita znajomość historii i zwyczajów naszego kraju. Kawał dobrej roboty.
I'm a simple Hungarian, I see Poland, I like the video. "Lengyel Magyar két jó barát, együtt harcol s issza borát"
Istanbul has a part named "Polonezköy". Which means "polish town" and nearly everyone there has polish roots.
Australia's tallest mountain is named after Tadeusz Kościuszko.