
I'm here for fez defending rules but also for that 'it's $5,75 playboy'


fez lowkey makes my heart highkey explode he’s too sweet and his EYES man


the colouring in this scene is gorgeous


“that’ll be $5.75 playboy” gets me everytime 😂


My babyyyy fez better be alive and well next season


Fez is the only guy, who's not scared to step up to nathan


HBO need to stop playing and release the soundtrack.


Don’t get it twisted, Fez had his hand on the hammer the whole time, READY.


this many people want the best for Fez


I love Nate's face at 1:48 after Fez straight up puts him in his place. I honestly think Fezco is the only person Nate is scared of.


I like how Nate is trying to bait Fez into answering more questions to sound smarter but Fez just repeats himself and makes Nate look like the dumb one. 😂


Rest In Peace Angus Cloud. He was incredibly talented. Condolences to his family and loved ones


Fez was found walking by a casting exec in Brooklyn and thats how they found him. The casting exec just bothered him until he would audition. He flew out to LA and the rest is history. Crazy stuff.


He's very polite as he addresses Nate,Nate was just rude and defensive,so he basically got what he deserved.


The way he stopped laughing after fez told him he was gonna get killed. HUMBLED


I love Fezco's energy, bro's by far one of my favorite characters in this show. R.I.P to Angus Cloud.


Rest in peace beautiful soul ❤️


If Fezco doesn’t get his own episode next season ima mail anthrax to Drakes house


Fez has such a big heart, he’s the most mature and honest character in the show


he warned him 💀