
My sister summed it up as:
“She gave in to literally every invasive thought”


Pearl’s smile at the end makes me so uncomfortable. She’s smiling, but she’s saying “This is my life now. I have to live this life and be happy about it.”


Mia Goth deserves an oscar for her end credits scene and end monologue. I wish horror actors got more attention at award shows.


After seeing Pearl I went back and watched X again and it was a lot better. Noticing things that I wasn't even thinking about like the property Pearl lives at, and how she never leaves there like she wanted to. Also that crocodile eating Pearl's victims, made so much more sense to me as to why Pearl was watching the crocodile eat that blonde in X, and the way she said she never liked blondes.


They did a lot of work developing Pearl’s character. They could’ve easily just go with “well she’s sadistic and crazy so that’s the whole story”. But they added genuine drama and relatable problems like dreams vs reality.


Pearls mom knew all along. That’s why she never really let her away from the farm. They were very poor so between to Pearls mental state and the father being really sick and disabled her mom was forced to make a choice keep the father alive and pay for a therapist even thought it’s 1918. Her mom meant well but was way to protective and didn’t know how to communicate.


Her freak out screaming "Tell me what I did!" is  so spot on for certain types of people! THAT is terrifying!


She did all that just to end up stuck on the farm for 60 years 💀


Pretty tragic that Pearl was so shattered she doesn’t make any other attempt to seek out her dreams instead of just taking the one shot for a life change


I believe Howard actually stayed because he has now become a casualty of war. It does something to someone, and I believe the only  thing Howard held on too, during the tour was his wife back at home. He held that optimism until he arrived home. While he was in shock...at first....he saw Pearl as nothing more than his wife
..who needed help. And help her he did.


The mom was amazing her monologue in the middle of the movie boosted this film.


for those that don’t know, Mia Goths crying smile during the credits wasn’t written in the script. that was all her.


I thought this movie was terrifying in a mental descent aspect. Mia's performance was HAUNTING and so was the mother's! They both deserve awards. This movie made me so uncomfortable, but in a successful horror movie way.


So odd that over a century later, sitting here in 2022, I'm thinking "Wow they had land, farm animals, a nice house they owned, what a blessed and fortunate life they live."


I always thought mitzy didn’t get the part and Pearl was just so deranged at that point that she projected what the judges said to her onto mitzy. Since mitzy changed spots with her, we never see her audition and I think that’s purposeful since it leaves it up to the audience to interpret if she actually got the part or not.


I'm really curious about Howard's conversion into a complicit murderer for a woman who not only cheated on him while he was away at war, but also killed not only her own parents, but his sister as well. I wonder if a "Howard" movie would work. I would imagine that he must have some fundamental issues with him as well for him to have found her appealing enough to marry in the first place, and I would guess that his time in the war didn't help, either.


I actually don’t think Mitzy got the part. I think she just lied to placate Pearl and be able to get tf outta dodge while she still could.


The Projectionist was definitely real, she pushes his car into the lake and then in X you see the car still in the water right before Howard shoots that one guy.


Hmm. I thought that Mitzy was telling the truth when she said that she also did not get the part. Pearl just assumed she did because she was blond. Mitzy eventually agreed and said she got the part only because Pearl was insisting it and scaring her.


I like this movie because it really demonstrates a very real fear, espcially nowadays. The fear of being unremarkable. The whole time Pearl is in her own head and has this image of herself, being a star. Her infatuation with being special really makes her lose touch with reality and its not until she is confronted with her true self, that is she ultimately is unremarkable, is when she breaks in sanity. Love this idea and i think touches base this fear that is so prominent in people today.