
Impossibly rare Subaru boke moment?

By the way at 0:36 I think Pekora is referring to Subaru calling her cute rather than talking about her state of being, so 適当 seems closer in meaning to “half-hearted” (as in “aren’t your compliments kind of half-hearted” (I love not having a subject in my sentences))


My oshi is so loud even when she whispers you can hear her from across the room


Subaru whisper volume is loud enough to get heard even if she's not the one directly speaking to the mic lol


It always cracks me up how creepy Subaru's whispering voice sounds 😆


4:04 Peko: "Oh that's so interesting! Next time when you have time--"

Aw, she's actually making plans to go out!

"--could you send a photo of the stuff you make to me?"



"she's behind me"
"nothing between us"


Man I love Okayu Subaru
They're like BaeRyS but more peaceful and no divorce
I just love Subaru being like this. She has become the Rizzler + comedian xD


Seems the girls have discovered Build-A-Bear Workshop.


Remember that time Subaru broke Okayu simply by sitting on her lap and making eye contact?


Pekora be like... TFTI lol


Pekora really out here trying to get a hit put out on Officer Subaru. Hopefully doggo shows mercy


This is like a daughter (Peko) ringing up her parents to catch up and her dad (Suba) is just wandering around in the back of the call shouting about how much he loves his daughter after a few drinks.


They have amazing vibes even when shuba can't hear peko lol. Very nice quality clip, which is rare. Glad I subscribed, ganbare!


When Subaru and Okayu were together, I kept remembering certain doujin.


They mostly eat together like a couples do


Nah, Pekora really tried to pull "the girl she tells you not to worry about" to Subaru 💀


I really thought subaru was drunk


SSR boke Subaru 🙏🏾

Maybe we take away her ability to read the room a bit and she becomes like this? Not that I'm complaining, it's pretty cute. Means that she really gets along with Pekora at this level.


Subaru a bit far but her voice perfectly clear 😂


4:21 Okayu is starting to sound similar to PekoMama there for a sex