
as a rampart main I would say that this change should definitely be in the main game


the slo-mo is simply amazing


The asmr never ceases.


this just may be your most terrifying creation yet


i actually think you could balance this by slowing the fire rate down to a longbow fire rate maybe and then the projectile speed would be a fuse cluster bomb


Best one in a while! More of this please


one of the 3 rampart mains here, I think this should be added into the game, it will be perfectly balanced


this is the best thing i've ever seen


I think it’s the sped up reload for the mini gun that’s the most satisfying


now just imagine, 50 of those shooting at you while you are sky diving, and the bullets explode randomly when they are near you, it would feel so cool


Finally. A competition for the kraber


As a rampart main if this was in the game I think that maybe just maybe respawn could balance it maybe like give like 20 bullets then you can only fire one every 3 maybe 5 seconds


as a rampart main this seems like a fair buff


"Mind ya heads, sheilas joining is for dinnah."

-famous last words


As a Rampart main, this should feel like using mobile sheila for the first time


Perfectly balanced


The change no one wants but we all need in the game


as a rampart main i think this might be satisfy heaven


Legion would be proud


Good job. You just turned Sheila into a GAU-8 avenger machine gun