
#Squad Roll Call
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DON'T GET SCAMMED! * Watch This Video *


The E stands for "Ehh, No thanks" 😂. I'm only watching for Floss and Shoes.


“THIS ONE SMELLS LIKE TRASH, PURE TRASH” 😂 iPhone 16E failed the smell test 💀


one minute of silence for those who clicked the title without knowing Flossy Carter


100% there is an Apple employee somewhere in this world watching this, and it is making him so happy inside because he can't say all this stuff about the product his company sells :)))


Floss got me rolling "This good for yo kids if you hate yo kids" 😂🤣🤣🤣


Man I love that Flossy Carter hasn’t changed a bit in 13 years. No fancy production, no selling out, no influencer attitude, no BS. 2 million subscribers later and it’s still just hands - phone - cursing. And White Shoes of course.


"it's just a stupid fucking phone, it makes no sense" truest words ever spoken 😂


9:46 “Perfect for the kids, If you hate your kids” 😂 man I’m crying laughing floss ✊🏾


“The George Jefferson notch hairline is back” got me so bad 💀💀💀🤣🤣


“Mommy why is that man standing across the street zooming in on the school”
Relax, that’s just Floss testing out phone cameras 😂


$400 would've been the perfect price for this thing. Apple calling a $600 phone "budget friendly" is despicable behavior.


First phone that fails the smell test 🤣. THAT'S WILD!


I grabbed my popcorn because I knew Floss was about to flame this shit 😂


Even shoes hates this phone. If it were me, for $600, I'd rather get the OnePlus 13R, especially since it supports all the bands in the US.


I'm dying at this review. "Yeah, if you hate your kids." 😭😭😭💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣


The reason this option iPhone is complete trash is that plenty of kids are out there screaming, 'I WaNt ThE nEw iPhOnE fOr My BiRtHdAy!' Meanwhile, their budget-strapped parents feel pressured to buy the most affordable option, no matter how bad it is. Apple intentionally makes it TRASH because they know it will sell anyway. The amount of value Apple extracts from this 'kid who wants new iPhone – struggling parent' dynamic is insane.


All other YouTubers trying to make an excuse and put a positive skin on this phone. Thank you for keeping it real.


Never have I ever seen a roast of the iPhone 16e for 32min straight and I watch that roast all the way to the end. And to quote Uncle Floss:

"If you walk into an Apple store and willing to buy a 16e, 512gb for $900? You a stupid mf"

Thanks Floss for keeping it real with your viewers. One of the reasons why I trust you for phone reviews whenever I want an honest opinion.


when flossy said a 60hz display in the intro and laid the phone down it was a rap!!! done finito!! i felt that in my chest.