George Carlin told us this a long time ago.
I love Professor Reich! He is the voice for democracy 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻
Robert is one of the few voices that actually understands what is going on.
In an uncontrolled capitalism, this IS what happens. This IS why we NEED STRONG NON-POLITICAL AGENCIES, i .e. - FTC, FCC, etc. That IS why they are being targeted
I no longer buy anything from amazon. I no longer buy anything from Whole Foods
Professor Reich knows his stuff and speaks truth to power.
Elon Musk is becoming one of those classic movie villains that James Bond is sent to take care of.
The Rich Man didn’t go to Hell because he was Rich, He went to Hell because he saw the need and failed to help his Brother…..Rev. Martin Luther King
The Koch bros+ the heritage foundation. They have been working on it since the Reagan era.
Bernie's been saying it for 50 years.
The sight of those billionaires on stage at the inauguration was our “Let them eat cake” moment. We all know what came next for France.
We all have SO MUCH more in common with each other than we have with any billionaire. But we need to see this before we can work together to take our democracy back.
The peasants are getting restless.
We need more of this True Reporting.
Everybody should be looking at the comparison between what Trump is doing now, and what Hitler did in the 1930s. There are so many matching elements
If there's anything Americans hate more than aristocracy or absolute power, it's finding out they were wrong. Too many people just find it impossible to admit they fell for the lies.
Remember what the Terminator said: Anger is more useful than despair. Take the anger you feel and channel it into something productive to help others get through the next four years. Stay angry!
Based on how the oligarchy's historically end, this only ends in pitchforks !
Robert is a fabulous orator.❤ He gives me hope. He looks very smart in his sweater. Thank you for being a light 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ in darkness 🙏.