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I always love people hearing for the first time that pirates can't swim in this show
The crew's dynamic has been described as a magical fighting crackhead and his band of lunatics


I think the funniest part is Luke learning that Luffy (and Robin) can't swim.


"How many plates did you break?"
"Sorry, I forgot to count"
I love that Luffy isn't sorry about breaking plates, he's just sorry for not counting how many LMAOO


Robin has a vivid imagination and weakness to cute things!


One Piece will have you laughing at funny stuff in the middle of being on the verge of tears.  It is impressive how it can do this.


"So Robin's a nutjob"
Nah Robin's not really... A little bit yeah 💀


I will never forget how i almost died laughing in the... "WHAT WHERE YOU DOING NAMI, WHATS IN THE BAG? IT WAS YOUR.... 'I brought food and wine' ... 'SORRY I doubted you'" scene... that scene always makes laugh so badly XD Yes, comedy gold there with Luffy and Zore with meat and alcohol.


"A group of people who are completely insane on a ship together held together by nothing but invisible string" yeah that sounds about right. No member of that group is sane and it's a miracle that they can function as a cohesive enough unit to keep that ship floating, but somehow it works...


Watching someone react to One Piece, who has never watched One Piece, is both entertaining and agonizing at the same time.


Luffy cant swim cause of his Devil fruit, he would drown instantly


Ahahaha the fact that One Piece is about food is 100% spot on 😂😂 Even abilities are related to food


If you didn’t see her inner thoughts you would think Robin is the most rational and sane person. It’s hilarious how her inner thoughts contrast so much lol. Her last clip was a major spoiler though, showing so much unedited. Funniest one is spitting out water, but only with context lol


Enough guys... Let him watch thy show when thy time comes


You're absolutely right. The Straw Hat crew are insane 😂


Man, when you start watch the anime, those scenes with the full context will be even funnier.


the best way i can describe One Piece is "Crackhead Mr. Fantastic's D&D Quest To Build The World's Most Lovable Terrorist Organization"


4:06 It's even funnier with context because these two are Marines


robin has a somewhat unique and cute way of imagining things also you’ll be surprised how dark her thoughts could be


i love that youre reacting to one piece stuff with zero context bc to a person who hasnt seen how absolutely ridiculous one piece is, this is the appropriate reaction LMFAO but to us who have seen one piece were just like "yup... the captain of the ship cant swim, robin is crazy (for good reason), elephant that causes floods? seems reasonable. fire on top of water? sure why not?" i cant wait for you to start this show and see the absolute ridiculousness that is early one piece its so stupid and so funny