"Is this a private war, or can anyone join?". Priceless
Which one's your foxhole? -> Doing the business -> Hearing the safeties click on every weapon without orders to is a great demonstration of loyalty.
While speaking with a coworker today, as the conversation rolled on he casually dropped "It's never a war crime the first time". Made me really happy and I wanted to share it. Cheers!
Hey FE, I was watching your show about General Allen, and the fight in Europe and Germany, and the Timberwolves and once I saw the patch, I realized that my friend and mentor from my church fought with the timberwolves. Once I realized whom you were talking about, all of his stories fell in line with what he told me. He almost drowned in the river crossing into Germany. And many stories of night fighting. Thank you for your bringing General Allen and the fighting timberwolves back into remembrance, I truly miss my friend and bringing his story back to life.
This man fought in both world wars, earned the Distinguished Service Medal TWICE, two purple hearts, the Croix de Guerre, and to this day, the award given to the student of the USMA with highest rating in Military Science is named after him, the "General Terry de la Mesa Allen Award." Dude is an OG before there were OGs
40 minute video that went by so fast it seemed like 14 minutes! The Fat Electrician is one of the finest storytellers on YouTube!! Love the channel!
My dad was in the Big Red One. 16th Regiment. From the landings at North Africa to the end of the war. He spoke fondly of Terry Allen.
My dad was an LTC under General Allen, he called him the greatest leader the US ever had.
My grandfather was a Timberwolf. He was an m1919 gunner, and was injured at the bulge. I attended one of the Timberwolves reunions with him, and heard all sorts of admiration for Terry Allen first hand from the men that served under him. Thank you for this video, it means a lot.
OH MY GOD! My grandfather was THE GUY in Oran tasked with “procuring” fresh beef, which he would then butcher! He was assigned this role because he was a country boy from Arkansas with real world experience hunting & dressing deer as a kid! So help me GOD, I grew up hearing his stories about the Bedouins & haggling to buy calves in Oran. I can’t BELIEVE part of my grandfather’s story actually made it into a Fat Electrician video! I couldn’t be more proud. I miss him every day of my life ❤️ Floyd Edward Freeman, Tec 5 US Army, European Campaign 🇺🇸
This man was just an E-4 that stole some stars from clothing sales, put them on and was so good that no one questioned him.
This was awesome! You’re an incredible reacher/story teller. I’m a 72 year old Timberwolf pup and the proud daughter of Angelo R. Savo who left high school in senior year and joined the Army. Dad’s stories started to come back to me. Thank you so much!
Intentionally turning off the safety of your weapon in the presence of a General who's fucking with your General is a whole other level of respect.
Thank you for telling this story! My grandfather (rest in peace) served in The Timberwolves during WW2. It was so incredible learning about this utter badass.
I served in the Army for 23 years, including 7 years in Germany, 4 of which were in Patton's old 2nd Armored Division. I thought I knew about most of the notable generals and battles of WWII. But I had never heard about this guy. Another amazing example of the Fat Electrician finding stories that we've never seen in the thousands of hours of WWII documentaries.
Thank you so much for this. I’ve never heard of this general and the way you delivered it, and the knowledge that you brought upon this is like an awakening!
I live in Zevenbergen, which is one of very few towns in the south of the Netherlands liberated by the US, as most of the fighting there was done by the British, Canadians and Poles. Because the allies wanted to quickly secure the Moerdijkbrug to get a bridgehead into South-Holland, they sent the timberwolves as the only American division to try to capture the bridge. Whilst they failed to capture the important bridge before the Germans blew it up, Terry Allen is still seen as a hero to the people living in the towns he liberated. There is a memorial dedicated to him in Zundert, and in Zevenbergen there is a road named after him, which he visited on the day of the official opening of the road.
My father was Timberwolf, who was awarded a Silver Star for a night attack outside Aachen Germany. He rarely spoke of the war until late in his life. He thought highly of Allen and was proud of the night fighting of the Timberwolf’s. Excellent podcast of this almost unknown officer.
Just wanted to let you know that my Father was in the 1st ID; 1942-1945. His first action was the campaign in Sicily; and he spoke very highly of General Allen. Thank you for this vid and the education therein.