
Have you ever wondered what the killer does when they aren't actively killing the main characters? They...walk around menacingly. Yep, that's it. That's the awnser. I'm glad that mystery has been put to rest.


This is the Park Ranger's fault. Dude you know the fucking lore, you have the authority to keep people away, you HAVE ONE JOB!


Imagine picking up shocked person in the middle of nowhere and your idea of comforting them is to tell them a story about vicious murderous bear attack. What!?


I think it’s pretty clear the old lady at the end saying sometimes animals just kill for no reason is disproved by the serial killer no longer hunting after finally getting their necklace back. That everything has a reason they do what they do.


I'd kinda like it if, after he got back the locket and having "Punished" everyone he just went back to dormancy. Like, he's "Beatable" by not just burying him or whatever, but just by tossing the Locket and escaping. 
Adds an nice twist to the Supernatural serial killer that matches with one of those old undead myths, the one that only animates when its "treasures" have been disturbed. Like a Mummy, but not quite.


I mean if you think about these types of killers. Thats what they do, walk A LOT and stand until they kill. Imagine following Michael Myers around. Standing in between bed sheets hanging outside for hours until someone looks out the window.


Also, the ranger has to be the dumbest person in horror movie history. You know you're up against an undying killing machine. Yet you creep closer and closer to the killer who's laying there playing possum with a long-range weapon so you can get close enough for him to grab it and break your back. Like I understand they had to figure out a way to kill the ranger but that was so pathetic. Very poor writing.

And the story about the bear was basically an allegory for Johnny. Yes it was actually Johnny who attacked the guy in the story and not a bear. Because who would believe an unkillable guy is lurking around in those woods the easy explanation like they do in every horror movie.... It was a bear.


I didn’t find the scenes in between the kills boring at all. There was  something really mesmerizing about watching this killing machine walk through such beautiful scenery so peacefully. I don’t know why.


One day, I hope I get to an old age and think about 'that guy who sat in a chair watching horror movies I don't have time to watch, or don't have easy access too.' If not, I'll just tell the other ghosts about this legend.


15:33 this kill was so brutal because he reminded Jonny of the lumberjacks that would make fun of him. This made fun of how he looked. It hurt his feelings. He was working out his issues.


This movie was just not for me. The most accurate review I have seen for this movie is that the idea is definitely creative but would've been better off as a short film than something feature length like this


“No one talks like that, and they never will” HEALED ME


I interpreted the final monologue as that massacre was done by Johnny but covered up as just a bear attack, the massacre from 10 years ago was also covered up


I heard of this movie only today, finished watching it less than an hour ago, and now I get a notification that you made a video for it? Amazin


The yoga scene was the best kill I’ve seen in a long time. Talk about sun pose 😂


Can’t wait to see Longlegs ending explained…


An interesting experiment film, but needed more polish. The ending confused me, thou my fave scene is when Johnny is about to kill some ppl but he is distracted with the toy car keychain


I gotta give credit to the film makers for taking a risk and giving us something different for once.


“No one talks like this” 😂 I’m standing next to someone right now, unironically talking exactly like this


Just my opinion 
Based on directors notes

Jhonney is a bear
The nature in the movie is the main character 
Not the ppl
Jhonney represents nature coming back to take what's his
Its an homage to old slasher classics but a philosophical movie about nature being done with humans and taking matters into its own hands