
Tri-4U? The actual GOAT right here.


"For the charge blade, we wanted an easy-to-understand weapon," sure, it's very easy to understand


bring back underwater combat petition like if you want underwater combat back


Bring back underwater combat for Wilds, please! 

Since MH3, the series got a faster movement speed thanks to World and a proper joystick to control the camera (unlike PSP and 3DS) it will feel better than ever.


My monster Hunter golden years.


Give us Monster Hunter 3 and 4 on modern platforms, pretty please!


Monster Hunter Tri was my first game in the series and I had great memories of just discovering how awesome this series is. 

My friends had no idea what MH was and I felt like the indie kid who played the cool stuff before it became popular, but I’m so happy to see how big MH has gotten over the years.


Shoutout to Yuri from Capcom for covering 3U and 4U


The cashier at our local gamestop gave us the demo and said "check it out, the game is pretty good". Pretty good was an understatement. MH3 was my introduction to MH. Initially, I was baffled at how to play because I had no experience with the weapon mechanics or monster behavior. But, over time I figured it out and I started playing religously. Done with homework? Play some Monster Hunter. Got spare time? Play some Monster Hunter. Eventually MH4U came around and I got into that and I fell even more in love with the series. MH4U is the only game I maxed out my rank, with 1300+ hours and HR999. It's still my favorite game out of all of them, with MH3/U coming in 2nd place and MHGU in 3rd.


My favorite era c:


With all the great thing they doing i really hope they complete the circuit with underwater battles again that gives the game a whole lot more freedom and size


If they would release an album with all of the monster themes songs either physically or digitally I would buy it without question!


I liked the irony of the Charge Blade being 'easy-to-understand'.


4U will forever be my favorite Hunter release. Too bad I never play 3 on the Wii (specifically), a lot of people enjoyed that title.


Happy hunting.!!


Please, Capcom and the MH Team, port Double Cross over to the PC. It has so many unique and classic monster that no one that has only played World and Rise has been able to enjoy yet. Plus the customisation is still THE BEST in the series. Let the whole world, old and new fans of the franchise, be able to enjoy what it really means to play Monster Hunter. Please, Capcom!


Mh4u is my childhood thank you for such good memories.❤


The GOAT era


Ah yes, Monster Hunter Tri. That's where I started with the series. I have a lot of great memories about this game especially about Loc Lac, the city that served as the games online hub. I would love to see that city returning to the series.


I loved the 3d battles from tri, it was so much fun to expertly dodge up when fighting in the water.