
The wooden doll was the most terrifying thing I had seen in a while until he became the thing I cheered for. Then he was chill


I would love the store as an anthology horror show.  Each episode featuring a cursed object and how it ends up there.


The scariest part was wondering if the guy was actually going to get away with it. I cheered quietly to myself when I saw the bellboy


The wooden man seems similar to a type of golem, only lacking the autonomy that golems possess.


One thing to note. Darci sent the doll to kill the man with the glass eye. Found out she had killed an innocent man. She said she’d pay the price. And she did. She knew the trap door was in front of her. She walked into it anyways.


man, i love the concept of the monsters being on the protagonist's side! so unique i'll definitely watch this :)


I liked that they scared the girlfriend off instead of killing her. She might have been cheating, but she wasn't involved in the murder and it's nice that Dani was kind enough to make that distinction.

The fairly traumatic way she was forcefully shown ghosts exist and the loss of her boyfriend seem like a decent "punishment" for cheating, especially since it was the dead wife that scared her the most.


I got the feeling that she knew the trap door was open….she knew she had to pay the price for killing an innocent man and instead of avoiding it she faced it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just the feeling I got.


This is why I love Foundflix over all the other recap channels on YouTube. It’s just title of the movie and year they were released.
Meanwhile, all these other channels use clickbaity titles like “Masked man stalks teenaged campers” or “Girl discovers she has fire powers”. If I see one of those videos, I automatically click “don’t recommend channel.”


"We are connected". I thought that referred to her dead sister, but in retrospect, it was in all likelihood referring to the statue that she remotely controlled using her "personal items".

There are some similarities with the Jewish golem here.
A golem would be made of clay and animated by carving a mystical word on its forehead, and it would be given orders via written instructions on pieces of paper that were put in its mouth.


Mr. Oddity reminds me of the golem of Prague, give him objects of protection and he will protect or avenge. Really cool ending explained


When the bell was revealed in the package I was like "YAAAA!


Darcy walked into the trap on purpose. We know she is not stupid, and she also mentioned that she has to pay for what she did to Ollie. I think that is why we see her hesitate the first time the phone rings. She knows that he has set a trap for her and that she is likely going to her death, but she is willing to do it because she knows Ollie was innocent and there is no real way for her to overcome both he and Ivan. She knew this whole plan would lead to her death which is why the reception bell is delivered to him after her death. She was betting that he would probably find a way to get away with what happened but knows his pride would get the better of him and that he would ring the bell and remain cursed the rest of his life. Great movie!!


Mr Oddity is basically a golem. A person shaped doll or statue who has the name of the people he is to serve/protect (in this case, the hair/blood/images of the person) placed within


Whenever a story uses curses as a motif, I think back to "One curse, two holes". As in, if you curse someone, you will have to pay a price equal to the curse. So I suspect the wooden man to be a cursedoll, in a sense. Usually they bring bad luck to whoever is cursed, but in this case its more literal.


It’s interesting that there’s an occurring theme of the errors people can make just by judging on appearances. It's so multilayered too. Dani and Darcy judging Olin, Yanna judging Darcy, even the Doll and the Audience. The whole thing with eyes too.


Mr. Oddity is definitely a play on classical golems with witchcraft mixed in. It would make sense that the final order it had was kill his masters murderer.


Thanks for this video! I loved this movie, but was confused as to when Darci knew certain things and did certain things. The best I can tell it went like this: Darci thought Olin killed her sister and sent the Oddity to kill him. She then receives Olin's eye, touches it, and learns that it was actually Ivan and Ted behind the murder (since Olin had overheard them plotting, hence why he was at the house that night). Darci then realizes she needs to get revenge on Ivan and Ted. After Ted stops in to the shop, she comes up with her plan and sends the haunted hotel bell as insurance in case things don't go as planned. She shows up at the house, Ghost Dani scars off Yanna, and Darci is killed before exacting her revenge. However, Ted takes care of Ivan, and the bellhop will take care of Ted. My favorite part of all this, is that Darci KNOWS Ted is just the type of asshole who HAS to ding the bell to prove he's right.


I think Darcy knew she was going to die, which is why she had to psych herself up to answer the phone and did so at a run. I feel that somehow her death was necessary to fully activate the wooden statue, and she was hoping she wouldn't have to resort to it.


2:41 exchanging I love you's - Wrong! I was watching it and she said I love you and he replied- love you, at that point I was like oooh he is cheating isn't he