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1:43 bhai ek dum se waqt badal diye jazbaat badal diyeπŸ˜‚


1:53 Can't believe he said that with a straight face


I lost it jab shwetabh bhai Attack mode promote karne lagg πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Lekin Course Hai to Khatarnak


1:44 smooth operator


1:45 πŸ˜‚ kya hi plugg


1:45 baap level plug in  πŸ’€πŸ”₯


Actually i failed my three main subjects in 3rd sem of btech in abt feb 24 due I was stupid enough to waste my energy on a girl who never liked me bt somehow I got away from her in 4th sem(initially) now results came by I have cleared all my subjects this even scored a highest in an difficult subject which even toppers choked!! (I'm truly loving this version of myself ) now generally I study alot which will surely gonna help me in having great career thank u shwetabh attack mode is working for me(love u bro dilse)


That attack mode plug was crazy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


In my opinion, everyone should take responsibility and accountability for their own actions. Nowadays, people are often too focused on telling others how they should behave, which is beyond our control. Instead, we should concentrate on how we conduct ourselves and strive to make a positive difference in our own lives and the lives of others.


1:43  bhai le liya bas bhi karo


Shweta bhai one line 
"khud pe kaam karo "is very deep ❀.


Ship wala example was sooooo good!!!!


Few can understand him.. But those will understand him. They WIILL never forget him πŸ—ΏπŸ“ˆπŸš€


01:40 the best test to determine loyalty πŸ”₯


Everybody deserves an elder brother like Shwetabh.


That product integration was brutal


Ayy great product placement bhai! (Smooth Shwetabh bhai, Smooth.)


1:44 Swetabh broπŸ˜‚β€


i broke up with my girlfriend we were living really far so i planned to seeing her one day but then it clicked my mind that i am really young(17) and its imo not the right age to be in a relationship type o thing, i used to give her a huge portion of my day just with her on calls or chatting, i saw myself sacrificing my "life" for her in future so it got bad for me mentally so i decided to end it today. i am happy now