I remember this commercial I remember running down the street acting like people was chasing me
michael jackson so cute
I'm loving the teasing playful act he has going on plus that sexy pucker face he makes! No one can make facial expressions like Mikey 💞
I became a fan when this commercial aired and I still love to see it, thx for sharing
Beautiful. Beautiful. Handsome. Handsome. Stylish modern day king. Awesome
This is probably how Michael drove in real life HAHA
Wow! Micheal is an angel! I love you mike!
GREAT ! Honestly ... have never seen it before 1
The Machine put their whole budget on him.
miss miss you so much king of pop Mj we love you always from phillippines
I think Pepsi betrayed MJ after the first child abuse allegations in 92 or 93. What a shame. He was the greatest artist the world had known. If he had just stayed away instead of agreeing to do the This Is It tour perhaps he would have been alive now.
This Bad Pepsi commercial predicted the Speed Demon music video. By the way I still prefer this commercial to the 1984 version.
Wow, great job making these ads seamless!!
I love you Michael ❤️
you know I'm bad and Mikey's really cute
I miss Michael so much!!!
I love it. ❤ your videos are so amazing :) much love to you
Как он красивенький How beautiful he is ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💋💋😋💕😍🤭🤗🤤🤭