Great Anson! Simple and to concise! We just subscribed! Happy New Year_2024!
Thanks for the info. I wish the system didn't make us 'delete' the event to cancel it though. Often we reschedule when the customer calls us back, and having to recreate the event including attachments and detailed info, etc. is redundant, and a waste of time. We change the color of the event, and mark it in caps as cancelled, so we can then move it to the new day once the customer reschedules. Just my 2 cents...
Simple yet useful :)
Absolutely Fab!
Thanks for the vid! .. the fact folks are having to look this up shows how poor a UX is for this.
I don't want to delete it. I want to cancel it. I want it to remain on the calendar. The title is deceiving. "Just delete it and move on??"
On Android: It actually deleted the event without offering to add a note...