#10 is a skunk.  I've seen them walk on their front legs, makes them look bigger to possible predators, and makes it easier for them to spray.


I love Sir  spooks. I've never seen so many people afraid of doors, lights and chairs.


The first video is just a cat's reflection in the hardwood floor when it turns around after it goes behind the curtain


Yes, skinwalkers commonly run through farm fields in the middle of the day.  Oh wait, it was a bigfoot.  No, it was a Rake.  Actually it was something far more terrifying.  It was a Human, running through the field.


The time traveller in the shed is easily solved when you look at the time stamps on the video. He pauses the video at 2:38 when the man enters the shed. Then when he says look the man never left and proceeds to fast forward. He "does not" start the video at 2:38 where he left off. But instead starts it at 2:58. 20 missing minutes, plenty of time for the man to have exited.


So the reason the cat's eyes look disembodied is due to video compression. Video compression and low light don't mix and is notorious for making things look like they've become invisible. All that's happening is the cat turning around and crawling out from under the curtain and the video compression combined with low light makes it look like the cat has disappeared except for the eyes.


Regarding the dolls, when you have a bunch of dolls and one happens to slide or fall, doesn't mean it is paranormal, people usually have them all together in a bunch so these things happened. If the doll gets up and starts dancing or walking then it will be spooky and more believable.


It looked like the cat turned around once behind the curtains


13:10 just in the last few years my elderly mom started buying these weird looking dolls… I didn't have the heart to tell her that they were so creepy I kept them in the garage… And when we moved, I left them in the garage!


Look that Chucky doll legitimately scared me. As a kid I have this vivid memory of playing with my friends in my room and it turned to spooky stories, complete with a flashlight and dark room. I loved horror movies. My mom and I would watch them together and one year she bought me a chucky doll as joke at the tender age of eight. I thought it was hilarious. I had this bright idea that I was going to use this doll as the basis of my story and basically make up how this doll would move in the night and I would see it move. So I shine the flashlight over to the doll in the closet, and in horror movie fashion, this mofo turns his head and looks at us. I've never seen about 6 girls jump off of a bunk bed so fast. I happened to miss my footing and fell, but the bottom bunk was out further than the top bunk so it caught my fall and knocked the breath out of me and i just remember the feeling of knowing I was alone and vulnerable with a haunted chucky doll, in a dark room. By the time I got out of my room, my mom, clearly confused at all the commotion asked what was wrong as I burst out the door, sliding on the wood laminate floor in my socks. I gathered myself and explained and of course my mom just said to cool it on the spooky stuff for awhile. My friends never came back to my house (but we still played together) and thats the only validation I need that it happened. Also definitely got rid of that doll. 😂


The craziest thing of the “time traveling shed” is that this guy came forward with that ludicrous idea.


Mr. Spooks, in number seven you comment on how calm the guy is. Not only is he calm, but in Russian he is telling the creature “get over here.” He’s a nut job!


Anyone who buys a Chuckie doll deserves what they get.


That boy was traumatized instantly 😂😂


2nd video is a skunk walking on its front legs its tail looks like a head common in skunks that are paralyzed in the hind legs and it disappears just poor quality as the distance increases


That poor kid in #3, that's the most genuinely terrified reaction I've ever seen.


The guy found a parallel universe in that shed where time flows faster and came back years later.


"Skinwalker" and "Demon" are the goto names, people use, instead of just saying, "I don't know what that is!"🤦🏾‍♂️


3:00  A cat with a short tail walks upright on two legs along the wall nervously because it's not his territory.


Thank you for the update, Sir Spooks..!!  13:29 Wow, that's a creepy doll.