
I love the video. You’re doing a fantastic job showing the nutrition label on the back.HOWEVER could you please please mention the carbs. Sometimes the camera is steady enough so that I can get a quick peek at the carbs but other times it’s not available. Other Youtubers do the same type of video that you do, but they never ever mention the carb count. Being diabetic this is important to some of us.


Lightly breaded chicken chunks is the goat for low calorie high protein wraps


Great Costco List, You Guys!


Finally, someone did it. Thank you, brother


Thanks for the tips Mike. I met you about a month ago. I can't remember if it was at Teterboro or Nanuet Costco? Looks like you might be at the Wayne Costco because I saw wine? 🎹👍


I subscribed!


The camera makes me dizzy 😵‍💫


Yes but the ingredients…. And please!! Can you please start talking about the amount of plastic packaging!! Let’s change the culture!


You are copying Bobby you’re using his words and everything STOP YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED be yourself.