
It just give me chills when he references 4-H and FFA because I put everything into showing cattle and it’s nice hearing someone shout us out


Okay, so anyone else show in FFA and 4-H? Where yall at? I need to see my fellow 4-H community ❤️


y’all, I don’t live in deep country, but man this song. it’s my new walk up song for softball. already got 3 home runs with it. thank you Cody for blessing us with this wonderful song


They played this banger at the opening session of this year’s national FFA convention. It was awesome


This song needs a video


All the wagens played this song on Texas independence day on the trail ride welcome to the show are you ready for a ride you better bukle up and hold on tight.


This song is my life! Loved being a part of the FFA! Now where is the music video!?


I’m not necessarily a “country guy” but man I love this song lol


Ive never been a C Johnson fan, but this reminds me of my old big rodeos, where people come from miles around to see you run for about 15 seconds.


Get to Boise damnit... Going to try to hit the Colorado shows if we can both get time off. Same week as our 10th anniversary for our favorite artist and its only 12hr drive.


So glad The FFA was mentioned, put all my years of middle and high school and my final senior year of highschool helpin in the community and an amazing organization


This always reminds me of rodeos. When the rodeo is just starting, you can feel the excitement in the air, hear the broncs in the chutes...😁 I love rodeo!


this would be an awesome baseball walk up song


I remember Go Texan day , doing square dancing as a P.E. class lol


It’s cool he added “ where we are stronger than a hurricane” I think referring to Harvey


Welcome to the show.

   And comment section 



My dad loves this song cause of the rodeo he dreamed of it when he was riding sadly nearly went paralised and never had his jam back again


My new song I play before my barrel run


Houston Rodeo and Cook off is officially Here! Welcome to the show y’all!!!


The Ford truck commercial got me here. Great kick ass country rock song perfect for driving or drinking beer in a bar.