
I urge you all to take up the daily chanting of 'Brahmananda Swarupa'. Chanting the mantra daily even for 15 minutes will bring tremendous balance.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


I am 15, yet new realms of existence and perception have been revealed to me through Sadhguru. Thank you Guruji, my life is has changed towards an amazing direction due to you!


1:19:39 english starts again with an important message please check it out.


I was always confused and I m happy today that during those confused days I did not select my guru..Today after 40 years I have found my Guru..Thanks GURUJEE for everything


If all your admirers would be there the place area wouldnโ€™t be enough Sadhguru - you have touched so many hearts - my whole life is not enough to express my gratitude to you my master โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™


As veteran Judge I feel that if Great PM Modi has brought hope in politics Revered Sadguru has brought awakening in spirituality and both yeoman service for common man will bring new India in the world eye.


So little time since the last live stream, so much progress has been made...
I bow down to my gurus sandals...
Happy to be alive at a time like this!


This is a soundtrack for healing. Twice I have fallen asleep listening to it, and woke up HEALED.


Handy Replay buttons
11:45 - Shiv Kailaso ke Vasi 
1:51:00 - Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya


It was a bliss watching Sadhguru chant


11:50 This song is amazing ๐ŸŒธโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š


Never get enough of you and your immense wisdom sadhaguru ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ–ค love from Nepal


Brave and amazing man!
Your speeches are a true magnet to the soul who's naturally seeking  ..
The melodic sounds and voices are something indescribable for the senses .. 1:09 ~ 1:19:40  ~ 1:51:00 ~ 2:04:00


the song in tamil towards the end where Sadhguru grace people with Darshan...is so mesmerizing...love you sounds of ishaaaa...its mind blowing..helps becoming receptive....what to say of sadhguru....always words can never express...


I love sadhguru for all the wisdom he gives from inside his heart and its all free, that's how u know it's real the thing no strings attached, not like coca cola !!!!!


Sadhgury you speak directly to the everything that I am.  what peace you inspire.


Namaskaram Sadhguru, lots of changes since last year and so many to come but at the moment it's perfect. Amazing the change we can go through... three year ago I didn't have any idea about yoga although I practice breathing since my birth. And practicing it a little more everyday is every time an amazing discovery. ๐Ÿ’ฏโœจ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ


Guruve nama...  u have opened the eyes for me. But still there is to discover and explore.  Thank u. From the bottom of my heart.


Blessed and fortunate to be there in his presence on Guru Purnima


The burden of running a foundation: 

59:57: The tools for Self-transformation should not be in the hands of a Guru, or an Organization. It should be in the hands of every human being. The tools for Self-transformation, I want every human being on this planet to process them, make use of them and pass it on to the next generation. The time is coming where, we want to see, how to deliver this to everybody in the world, whether they can pay or cannot pay, has never been an issue, except bearing of the costs of โ€œthe burden of running a foundationโ€. But I think, the awareness is spread to such an extent in the world today that there are many generous people who are willing to sponsor. Because of this we should be able to, for a large segmentโ€ฆ

Happy Thoughts....