We have loads more from De La Soul.
Check out this interview with Maseo, as he discusses the art of the posse cut, sampling, meeting J Dilla, and more...
► https://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/lectures/maseo


I bought it in the summer of ‘89, and first played it while cleaning movie theatres in my hometown. My 15-year-old head was warped beautifully by the tape I couldn’t stop playing...


and this is one of the greatest hip hop albums because so. hip hop started out with samples


#freedelasoul #freedelasoul #freedelasoul


L❤ve this story of how they looped music!!


🔥 samples


To the pure all things are pure.

Hope you're still 3 feet high and rising in the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 really is the magic number.



The RZA brilliantly created the Chipmunk sample-sounding methodology, Kanye perfected it, and others bit off of the aforementioned!!!!


Seems like the only "musicians" that were butt hurt about the uncleared samples, were the washed-up ones... see - The Turtles*


calling Steely Dan a ‘he’ shows a pretty surprising lack of musical knowledge!