
“Never complain, never explain.” You’re doing great and your hair is gorgeous btw, don’t ruin it by putting chemicals in it! (Just my 2 cents) ❤👍


I love your hair where it’s grown out!  It’s beautiful with the depth and variation of colors!


This community loves you Kat, so when life is heavy, put your platforms on hold and put yourself first. We’re not going anywhere, we’ll be here ❤


Love ur hair as is. Beautiful blonde and healthy looking. My 2 cents❤


I would leave your hair alone. It's pretty and probably healthier! I love that you pick up trash with your kids. I used to do the same with my kids when they were little 😊


Your hair looks greattttt


Leave your hair as is, you look great 🤗


Keep your natural blond!!! You look beautiful!!!❤


Can you share the recipe for that strawberry cheesecake please


Your an inspiration to me ❤


I would definitely make  sure use look extra good before picking up trash..Do to needles..No, I'm not saying u don't already..


I love your hair as is! But I also get it. I live in town and it took me forever to find someone who did my blonde hair just right.


Keep your blonde but maybe get layers or cut a little off and then get a blow out! That’s my favorite way to reset without committing to a color just bc I “need something new”


Every time I come out to Hawaii which has been like 8 or 9 times now I always walk the beach and pick up any trash or anything it's in the water and also if I see someone using the wrong sunscreen I let them know that it's not goofd for any sea life.


They don’t deserve an explanation


Love your beautiful blue eyes pretty girl🌸


Dear you don't have to defend yourself unless yr falsely accused off something.. Even if r hearts r in the right place doesn't mean everyone will love us. It would be nice if it was that way...


Don't overthink


Hawaii has lots of hairstylists